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Found 18 itemsTitleAuthorAvailability
Course Syllabi in Faculties of Education: Bodies of Knowledge and their Discontents, International and Comparative Perspectives
By Andr Elias Mazawi
Critical Education in International Perspective
By Peter Mayo
Critical Human Rights, Citizenship, and Democracy Education: Entanglements and Regenerations
By Michalinos Zembylas
Decolonizing Indigenous Education in the US: Beyond Colonizing Epistemicides
By Samuel B. Torres
Ecopedagogy: Critical Environmental Teaching for Planetary Justice and Global Sustainable Development
By Greg William Misiaszek
Education, Individualization and Neoliberalism: Youth in Southern Europe
By Valerie Visanich
Feminism, Adult Education and Creative Possibility: Imaginative Responses
By Darlene E. Clover
Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education
By Mike Seal
Itinerant Curriculum Theory: A Declaration of Epistemological Independence
By Joo M. Paraskeva
Nurturing Difficult Conversations in Education: Empowerment, Agency and Social Justice in the UK
By Katarzyna Fleming
Pedagogy, Politics and Philosophy of Peace: Interrogating Peace and Peacemaking
By Carmel Borg
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