Captain Sir Richard F.Burton's King Vikram and the Vampire: Classic Hindu Tales of Adventure, Magic and Romance
By (Author) Sir Richard Burton
Inner Traditions Bear and Company
Inner Traditions Bear and Company
1st February 1993
United States
Non Fiction
Folklore studies / Study of myth (mythology)
Short stories
Width 152mm, Height 235mm, Spine 19mm
Translated from the original Sanskrit by the noted Victorian Orientalist, Sir Richard Burton, these ancient Indian folk tales influenced such later works as 1001 Arabian Nights and Boccaccio's Decameron. As revealing today as they were in their own time, these stories will entertain and delight modern readers while illuminating the life and customs of classical India. This reprint from the 1893 limited edition contains 34 black-andwhite illustrations, including the frontispiece designed especially for that edition.
"Witty, entertaining, and illuminating of traditional Indian culture. The book will enrich the library of yoga students interested in exploring the mythic background in which yoga philosophy developed." * Yoga Journal *
"If you have the time to read for pure entertainment, pick up this volume. First published in 1870, and reprinted with illustrations from the 1893 edition of King Vikram and the Vampire, we have a centennial edition here that is highly recommended to everyone. Delightful Hindu fairy stories, which also contain much interesting information on Indian customs and manners from ages past." * Hinduism Today *
Sir Richard F. Burton (1821-1890) was one of the greatest traveler-explorers of history, whose life has recently been chronicled both in biography (Captain Sir Richard Burton) and film (Mountains of the Moon). Famous as the translator of The 1001 Arabian Nights, Burton also searched for the headwaters of the Nile, and was the discoverer of the central lakes of Africa. Orientalist, prolific author, and member of the Royal Geographic Society, he was one of the most remarkable and controversial men of his century.