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Ask Aunty: Seasons


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Publishing Details

Full Title:

Ask Aunty: Seasons


By (Author) Aunty Munya Andrews
Illustrated by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis




Hardie Grant Explore


Hardie Grant Explore

Publication Date:

15th November 2023

UK Publication Date:

30th May 2024








Other Subjects:

Childrens / Teenage general interest: Nature, animals, the natural world
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Physical world
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Countries, cultures and national identity

Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 262mm, Height 263mm, Spine 9mm




Ask Aunty: Seasonsis a delightful and educational picture book for children aged 5 to 10 years that introduces First Nations seasonal calendars.

Have you ever been excited for the first day of summer, only to be disappointed when it arrives cold and rainy For First Nations People, the seasons dont change when the calendar does. Instead, we can look for changes in plants, animals, water, weather, fire and the stars.

Aunty Munya explains how there are six seasons on her Country. Mankal is the rainy season, bringing strong winds from the ocean, while Barrgan is the season when bush fruits are most plentiful.

With stunning illustrations by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Ask Aunty: Seasons encourages all readers to develop a greater awareness of the land, waters and sky, showing how they can help us in our everyday lives.

Author Bio

Aunty Munyaisan Elderfrom the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Like many Aboriginal people, she has learned to work and live in two worlds. Educated in Australia and the USA, she has degrees in anthropology and law. She has practised law in Victoria and New South Wales as a solicitor and barrister, and is equally well-versed in the traditional laws, customs and practices of her People. Aunty Munya isthe co-director of Evolve Communities, which specialises in cultural awareness training and ally accreditation.

Charmaine Ledden-Lewis is a proud Bundjalung woman and award-winning illustrator, residing on Dharug and Gundungurra Country in the Blue Mountains. Charmaine brings vivid and emotive visual storytelling to each book she creates. She is passionate about sharing First Nations experiences and perspectives, through the language of art and visual literacy, with everyone she meets and encourages all to transcend inhibition and find their creativity.

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