Blooming Beneath the Sun
By (Author) Christina Rossetti
Illustrated by Ashley Bryan
Simon & Schuster
1st May 2019
United States
Early years: verse, rhymes and wordplay
Width 203mm, Height 254mm, Spine 10mm
Newbery Award honoree Ashley Bryan has hand-selected a collection of celebrated English poet Christina Rossettis poems to illustrate with his inimitable flourish.
The world changes so quickly, but the joy and fun of being a child always remains. Christina Rossettis classic nursery rhymes have embodied the simple essence of childhood for centuries, and now award-winning illustrator Ashley Bryan brings new life to them with this wonderfully illustrated selection of Rossettis poetry.
Bryans bright and intricate collage art perfectly complement Rossettis simple text, and together they create a vibrant book for both kidsand kids at heart.
Christina Rossetti (18301894) was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional, and childrens poems.
Ashley Bryan (19232022) grew up to the sound of his mother singing from morning to night, and he shared the joy of song with children. A beloved illustrator, he was named a Newbery Honoree for his picture book,Freedom Over Me. He also received the Coretta Scott KingVirginia Hamilton Lifetime Achievement Award; the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award; was a May Hill Arbuthnot lecturer; a Coretta Scott King Award winner; and the recipient of countless other awards and recognitions. His books includeFreedom Over Me;Sail Away;Beautiful Blackbird;Beat the Story-Drum, Pum Pum;Let It Shine;Ashley Bryans Book of Puppets; andWhat a Wonderful World. He livedin Islesford, one of the Cranberry Isles off the coast of Maine.