Circus Girl
By (Author) Jana Novotny Hunter
Illustrated by Joaqun Camp
Child's Play International Ltd
Child's Play (International) Ltd
15th May 2020
United Kingdom
Width 250mm, Height 250mm, Spine 5mm
Life in a circus community is full of excitement! Follow Sky on a typical day. Shes a hardworking girl who shows children that achieving their dreams can be closer than they think. The illustrations provide a behind-the-scenes view of a circus - readers will enjoy pointing out the differences between Skys lifestyle and theirs. The book presents a whole range of sensory experiences, academic and physical jobs, and performing skills. The text can be used to model a variety of creative writing techniques, such as repetition for emphasis and using strong verbs to make description more vivid.
Jana Novotny Hunter was born in Czechoslovakia and grew up in England. A graduate of Hornsey College of Art, she spent many years in the USA, working as a textile designer, teacher, writer and mother. Jana has written more than forty books for children, including Read my Lips, the prizewinning story exploring the communication choices of a Deaf girl. As a conference speaker and lecturer, Jana focuses on the relationship between image and text in picture books, expertise that has led to her becoming an editor as well as a reviewer. At home with kids of all ages, Jana loves to visit schools and libraries, or to run writing workshops. Joaqun Camp, (Buenos Aires, 1987) is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. His work has appeared in a range of newspapers, magazines and animations. He has also worked as a professor for the University of Buenos Aires and he continues to teach workshops on childrens illustration. He is the co-founder of Coqun, a venture dedicated to the creation of self-watering plant pots, which introduce colour and life to small spaces.