By (Author) Helen Milroy
Illustrated by Helen Milroy
Magabala Books
Magabala Books
8th July 2025
Cloudmaker is an ancestral, ghostly being who has been busy preparing for the creation of worlds. He was an ancient being who belonged to a different time. During this time, each ancestral being had an important job to do. Cloudmaker s job was to create clouds. He made sure there was enough clouds for shade, rain and light.
Cloudmaker loved making clouds, but he grew sad as he realised the end of his journey was close and he had made all the clouds that were needed. He knew things would change forever. His lightness of being became heavier and heavier and he soon became so heavy he sank to the Earth. Here the birds lifted his spirits and floated up and joined his favourite cloud and friend Cirra.He cried tears of sadness and joy and a tear landed on the tip of his wing and he created a rainbow that encircled the whole of Earth. He would live on forever in the rainbow.Helen Milroy (MB BS CertChildPsych W.Aust., FRANZCP) is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia but was born and educated in Perth. She studied Medicine at the University of Western Australia, worked as a General Practitioner and Consultant in Childhood Sexual Abuse at Princess Margaret Hospital for children for several years before completing specialist training in Child and Adolescent psychiatry.