Tooth Fairy's Night
By (Author) Candice Ransom
Random House USA Inc
Random House Books for Young Readers
18th April 2017
16th January 2017
United States
Width 152mm, Height 229mm, Spine 3mm
Spend a night on the job with the Tooth Fairy in this rhyming Step 1 reader! In this Step 1 early reader, a twinkly, sneaker-wearing Tooth Fairy zips around a dreamy neighborhood in a typical night at work. Readers will delight in exploring the details of her tiny world, and in the exciting (yet mild) brushes with danger! Any kid who has lost a tooth, or who just wonders what it would be like to be very small and have the power of flight, will happily dig into this fanciful journey. Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story.
CANDICE RANSOM, who has only ever wanted to be a children's book writer, has published 125 award-winning books for kids and young adults. She teaches in the children's literature program at Hollins University. Candice lives in Fredericksburg, Virginia, with her husband and her cat, Atticus. Visit her on the Web at MONIQUE DONG has always been drawn to illustration. At the age of 19 she headed off to Cape Town, South Africa, where she studied animation at City Varsity. She then began work at one of South Africa's only animation companies at the time, Clockwork Zoo, and animated for Disney Channel's Florrie's Dragons. She married her husband in 2011 and shortly thereafter moved to China, where they live now. Visit her on the Web at