Rating Your Bunkmates and Other Camp Crimes
By (Author) Jennifer Orr
Cover design or artwork by Alexandra Bye
Capstone Press
Capstone Press
1st February 2020
United States
Childrens / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Sporting stories
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Ball games and sports: American Football
Childrens / Teenage fiction: General, modern and contemporary fiction
Childrens / Teenage personal and social topics: Friends and friendships
Twelve-year-old Abigail Hensley is a socially awkward aspiring anthropologist who has always had trouble connecting with her peers. Abigail is hopeful that a week at sleepaway camp is the answer to finally making a friend. After all, her extensive research shows that summer camp is the best place to make lifelong connections. Using her tried-and-true research methods, Abigail begins to study her cabinmates for friendship potential. But just when it seems that she is off to a good start, her bunkmate's phone gets stolen, and Abigail is the main suspect. Can she clear her name, find the real culprit, and make a friend before the week is done
Jennifer Orr is a writer and former elementary school librarian. She lives in Walnut Creek, California, with her husband and two daughters.