New Moon
By (Author) Stephenie Meyer
Little, Brown Book Group
13th August 2009
6th September 2007
United Kingdom
Young Adult
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Relationship stories
Width 155mm, Height 198mm, Spine 34mm
I stuck my finger under the edge of the paper and jerked it under the tape. 'Shoot,' I muttered when the paper sliced my finger. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut. It all happened very quickly then. 'No!' Edward roared ... Dazed and disorientated, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm - and into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.
For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of an evil vampire but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realise their troubles may just be beginning ...'The sexiest vampire tale for years arrived in Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT, about teenage Bella's chaste romance with a beautiful vampire boy. Their intensely erotic feelings are endangered by more predatory types. Guaranteed to suck in sulky 13+ girls for
Stephenie Meyer is a 30-year-old mother of three children based in Arizona. TWILIGHT was her first novel.