Ranger's Apprentice 8: The Kings of Clonmel
By (Author) John Flanagan
Random House Australia
Random House Australia Children's Books
1st September 2009
Width 130mm, Height 198mm, Spine 28mm
Will is at the annual Ranger Gathering but Halt is investigating mysterious happenings in the west. When he does finally return, it's with bad news. Hibernia is in turmoil. A false religious cult calling themselves the Outsiders are sowing confusion and sedition, and five of the six Hibernian kingdoms have been undermined. Now the sixth, Clonmel, is in danger. Halt, Will and Horace set out to restore order. Can the secrets of Halt's past help them in their mission
John Flanagan's bestselling RANGER'S APPRENTICE adventure series originally comprised twenty short stories, which John wrote to encourage his twelve-year-old son, Michael, to enjoy reading. The series has come a long way since then. Now sold to more than twenty countries, the series regularly appears on the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List and has been shortlisted in children's book awards in Australia and overseas. John, a former television and advertising writer, lives with his wife, Leonie, in the Sydney beachside suburb of Manly. He is currently writing further titles in the RANGER'S APPRENTICE series. Visit John's website at www.rangersapprentice.com or the official Australian website at www.rangersapprentice.com.au.