Circus Caps For Sale
By (Author) Esphyr Slobodkina
Simon & Schuster Ltd
Simon & Schuster Ltd
28th July 2004
United Kingdom
Width 204mm, Height 247mm, Spine 3mm
Esphyr Slobodkinas hardworking peddler from the beloved Caps for Sale returns for more adventures in this amusing sequel.
Still trying to sell his caps, Pezzo once again meets difficulties. This time, though, it isnt monkeys keeping Pezzo from selling his wares. Instead, a friendly elephant and Pezzos remarkable ability to balance his gray, brown, blue, and red caps on top of his head makes him the star act of a traveling circus.
"Slobodkina's drawing style is timeless, making Circus Caps for Sale a real generation-to-generation treasure." -- Fort Worth Star-Telegram
"These stories show that in the hands of an artist, the world can be a truly enchanting place." -- City Parent
Esphyr Slobodkina (19082002), internationally renowned artist and author of the children's classic Caps for Sale, was among the first female American artists to explore abstraction and the first to use collage in American storybooks. She studied art in Russia and China before immigrating to the United States in 1928. She was a founding member of the American Abstract Artists group, and her work is represented in prominent museum collections across the country.