Zombie Invasion: The Unofficial Minecrafters Academy Series, Book One
By (Author) Winter Morgan
Skyhorse Publishing
Sky Pony Press
1st June 2016
United States
, Spine 8mm
Age range 9 to 12
One fateful day, Lucy is invited to study at the prestigious Overworld Academy. The Academy offers her the opportunity to learn all of the secrets of the Overworldand it's an opportunity she can't miss. She's sad to leave behind her friends Henry and Max, but it's time for her to have an adventure on her own. At Overworld Academy, she meets two new friends, Jane and Phoebe. Jane is an expert fighter, and Phoebe is a talented alchemist. With Lucy's own knack for treasure hunting, the trio makes an incredible team. And when the school is attacked by zombies, the three girls are going to have their skills put to the test.
This is the first book in a new three-book series spin-off of the original Unofficial Gamer's Adventure series with its bestselling book,Quest for the Diamond Sword. Fans of Minecraft won't want to miss this new adventure.
Winter Morgan, a pen name, is the author of numerous childrens books including national bestseller The Quest for the Diamond Sword. She is the author of four other series for Minecraft fans: an Unofficial Gamers Adventure, the Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure, the Lost Minecraft Journals, and the Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure. Morgan has a Minecraft-addicted son, who inspires her. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.