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The Ghost Blade


Publishing Details

Full Title:

The Ghost Blade


By (Author) Dan Abdo
By (author) Jason Patterson



Series Number:



Simon & Schuster Ltd


Simon & Schuster Ltd

Publication Date:

3rd August 2022

UK Publication Date:

7th July 2022


United Kingdom






Other Subjects:

Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: Humorous



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 142mm, Height 211mm, Spine 15mm


This high-octane and uproariously funnygraphic novelfollows Barbthe Braveonanother high stakesquest.
Perfect for readers aged 6+ and fans ofBunny Vs Monkey,Disney'sBraveand Dav Pilkey'sDog Man.

Barbis aBerzerker, one of an elite crew of warriors who protect the land of Bailiwick from the scourge of monsters.

The evilWitch Headhas captured allofthe adultBerzerkers . . .CueBarb to the rescue!But shes not aloneBarbs got her own amateur crew ofwannabezerks, made up offarmers,monsters, and her best palPorkchop the yeti.

This ragtag gang must infiltrate Maug Horn, the monster capital, and findFranny Fire Fingers, who they hope will lead them to the Wise Wizards and the power to fight Witch Head. But when Barb's powerfulShadow Bladesword is no match for the evil she encounters, Barb must learn that her true power comes from her own heart.

Join Barb on her secondspellbinding adventure to save the day once again.

*Grab your copy of the first book in this side-splitting series.Barb the Braveis OUT NOW!

Author Bio

For the past ten years, award-winning duo Dan Abdo and Jason Patterson have developed numerous animated campaigns, network TV and web series, and critically acclaimed commercial work. Their extensive portfolio has garnered them industry wide recognition, while their humorous sensibility and diverse skill set has landed them jobs for top global brands. Dan and Jason have set up properties at Twentieth Century Fox, Disney, and Nickelodeon as well as a feature animated film through Paramount Pictures. The well-versed storytellers have developed original content for a wide variety of platforms, including print (Nickelodeon Comics,The New Yorker), theater (Pilobolus), and digital. For the past ten years, award-winning duo Dan Abdo and Jason Patterson have developed numerous animated campaigns, network TV and web series, and critically acclaimed commercial work. Their extensive portfolio has garnered them industry wide recognition, while their humorous sensibility and diverse skill set has landed them jobs for top global brands. Dan and Jason have set up properties at Twentieth Century Fox, Disney, and Nickelodeon as well as a feature animated film through Paramount Pictures. The well-versed storytellers have developed original content for a wide variety of platforms, including print (Nickelodeon Comics,The New Yorker), theater (Pilobolus), and digital.

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