Playground Pets: Juliet, Nearly a Vet (Book 8)
By (Author) Rebecca Johnson
Penguin Random House Australia
27th August 2014
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories
Width 128mm, Height 196mm, Spine 11mm
Hi! I'm Juliet. I'm ten years old. And I'm nearly a vet! Chelsea and I go to such a cool school - we get to have playground pets! Guineas pigs, lizards, fish and insects are all part of our classroom. This week, we have a replacement teacher though, and Miss Fine doesn't know much about animals. But we do (it's so handy being nearly a vet). We're going to be flat-out keeping track of them all and doing our schoolwork, but I'm sure nothing will go too wrong...
Rebecca Johnson is an award-winning Australian author, part-time primary school science teacher and mother of two. In 2015 she received the Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools. In 2010 Rebecca recieved the Peter Doherty Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. The 'Juliet' series won the Environmental Award for Children's literature 2014 (Bush Baby Rescue), been nominated for the CBCA younger readers section (2014 and 2015), and nominated for the Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature (2014). This series will soon be published in Norwegian, Czech, Slovak and Portuguese. Her best-selling series of page-turning adventures featuring Australian wildlife (Steve Parish Storybook Collection) has sold more than 2.6 million copies. Her Insect Series (published by Pascal Press) was Winner of the 2014 Whitley Commendation for Best Educational Series. http-//