Finley Flowers (3): New and Improved
Capstone Press
Picture Window Books
1st August 2016
United States
Childrens / Teenage fiction: General, modern and contemporary fiction
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Science and technology
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Family and home stories
Childrens / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories
When Ms. Bird introduces the class art unit, Finley can't wait to make her mark! She may not be the best at other subjects, but she's definitely art-smart. Inspired by a field trip to the art museum, Finley comes up with some Fin-tastic ideas! AGES: 6-9 AUTHOR: Jessica Young is a teacher of elemenatry and middle school art. She has an award winning book, 'My Blue is Happy"
Jessica Young's award-winning picture book My Blue is Happy (2013) was included on the 2014 Bank Street College of Education's Best Books of the Year for Children and Young Adults list and the Texas Library Association's 2014 "2 x 2 Reading List," and was chosen to represent Tennessee on the Library of Congress/Center for the Book's 2013 "52 Great Reads" list. Finley Flowers is her first chapter book series. Jessica grew up in Ontario, Canada and currently lives in Nashville, Tenn. with her family, where she teaches elementary and middle school art. Jessica Young's award-winning picture book My Blue is Happy (2013) was included on the 2014 Bank Street College of Education's Best Books of the Year for Children and Young Adults list and the Texas Library Association's 2014 "2 x 2 Reading List," and was chosen to represent Tennessee on the Library of Congress/Center for the Book's 2013 "52 Great Reads" list. Finley Flowers is her first chapter book series. Jessica grew up in Ontario, Canada and currently lives in Nashville, Tenn. with her family, where she teaches elementary and middle school art.