Goldilocks and the Three Bears
By (Author) Eric Braun
Capstone Press
Capstone Press
8th January 2015
United States
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Interactive adventure stories
Width 135mm, Height 190mm
We all know about Goldilocks and the three bears but did you know that the little bear really runs the show Or that Goldi was actually escaping from something worse than bears Dive into this fairy tale twist where You Choose the path through three different stories and all sorts of choices that will retell this classic tale.
Eric Braun is a children's author and editor. He has written dozens of books on many topics, and one of his books was read by an astronaut on the International Space Station for kids on Earth to watch. Eric lives in Minneapolis with his wife, two kids, and a dog who is afraid of cardboard. Alex Lopez is from Sabadell, Spain. He became a professional illustrator and comic-book artist in 2001, but he's been drawing ever since he can remember. Lopez's pieces have been published in many countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, and Turkey. He's also worked on a variety of projects from illustrated books to video games to marketing pieces.