Berlin Wall
By (Author) Matt Doeden
Capstone Press
Capstone Press
1st July 2014
United States
Non Fiction
Width 130mm, Height 198mm
After World War II Germany split into two countries - the Communist German Democratic Republic in the East and the Federal Republic of Germany in the West. Its capital of Berlin was divided as well but many people left East Berlin for the freedom of the West. In 1961 East German leaders built a wall through the city to keep its people from escaping. Will you
Consider escaping from East Berlin soon after the wall is built
Serve as an East German guard at the wall
Join in the protests against the wall
Everything in this book happened to real people. And You Choose what you do next. The choices you make could lead you to escape imprisonment or even death.
Matt Doeden is a freelance author and editor from Minnesota. He's written numerous children's books on sports, music, current events, the military, extreme survival, and much more. His books Sandy Koufax (Twenty-First Century Books, 2006) and Tom Brady: Unlikely Champion (Twenty-First Century Books, 2011) were Junior Library Guild selections. Doeden began his career as a sports writer before turning to publishing. He lives in Minnesota with his wife and two children.