John Deeres Powerful Idea: the Perfect Plow (the Story Behind the Name)
Capstone Press
Capstone Press
1st August 2015
United States
Non Fiction
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Science and technology
Have you ever seen a John Deere tractor John Deere's farm equipment brand is famous around the world, but it wasn't an easy path to turn his ideas into reality. Readers will love learning the story behind the name as they follow along with John's beginnings as a blacksmith, obstacles in business, and eventual massive success. insightful story about John Deere and his commitment to creating the "perfect plow. . . .Terry Collins and Carl Pearce have crafted a wonderfully illustrated story that weaves together the history and story of John Deere and the company he started to make life easier on farmers.-- "The Children's Bookshelf, Central Michigan University, Public Broadcasting Cente"
Carl Pearce lives in North Wales with his wife, Ceri. When not lost in his illustration work, he enjoys watching films, reading books and taking long walks along the beach. Growing up, Carl could not decide whether to be a Policeman, Fireman or a Ghostbuster. In the end he graduated from the North Wales School of Art and Design as an Illustrator. He has illustrated many books for children.