El vuelo de Sofa
By (Author) David Gomez Gomez
Illustrated by Carolina Luzn
Cuento de Luz SL
Cuento de Luz SL
24th July 2024
Non Fiction
Childrens / Teenage personal and social topics: Emotions, moods, feelings and be
Childrens / Teenage fiction: Family and home stories
Childrens / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members
Childrens picture books
Width 222mm, Height 259mm
Uncertainty and unpredictability greatly irritate and confound our young protagonist. Still, with the help of her loving and creative mother, she will manage to find the solution that allows her to enjoy each day.
Sophia is a dragonfly born with one wing smaller than the other. That doesn't stop her from flying fast and performing countless tricks, her favorite pastime. But there's something that makes her feel restless, anxious, and uncomfortable every day: Sophia needs to have everything under control and know what will happen at every moment, after every task.
Sophia tirelessly asks her mother, "what will they do next" again and again, without finding the true peace she needs in the answers her mother provides. For her tranquility, her creative, loving, and patient mother will devise a foolproof plan that will allow her to relax and enjoy what she loves the most.
An extraordinary resource is presented as an illustrated album to address functional diversity and its particularities, family support, and the instinct to overcome challenges.
it is also a story of family coexistence, parenting, and motherhood. As the story is not explicitly narrated from the perspective of autism or functional diversity, it allows any young reader to empathize with the impatience of its restless protagonist.
La incertidumbre y la imprevisibilidad irritan y desconciertan enormemente a nuestra pequea protagonista, pero, con la ayuda de su amorosa y creativa madre, lograr hallar la solucin que le permita disfrutar de cada da.
Sofa es una liblula que ha nacido con un ala ms pequea que la otra. Eso no le impide volar muy rpido y hacer un sinfn de piruetas, su pasatiempo favorito. Pero hay algo que la have sentir agitada, angustiada e incmoda cada da: Sofa necesita tenerlo todo bajo control y saber qu suceder en cada momento, despus de cada tarea.
Sofa, incansable, pregunta a su madre qu harn despus una y otra vez, sin encontrar en las respuestas que esta le proporciona la verdadera paz que necesita. Para su tranquilidad, su creativa, amorosa y paciente madre idear un plan infalible que le permitir relajarse y disfrutar de aquello que ms le gusta.
Un extraordinario recurso se nos presenta en forma de lbum ilustrado para abordar la diversidad funcional y sus particularidades, el acompaamiento familiar y el instinto de superacin.
Pero es, tambin, una historia de convivencia familiar, de crianza y maternidad, ya que la historia, al no estar narrada expresamente bajo el prisma del autismo o de la diversidad funcional, permite que cualquier pequeo lector empatice con la impaciencia de su inquieta protagonista.
David Gmez (Cdiz, Spain, 1977) combines his writing profession with his work at the Observatory of Childhood and Adolescence of Andalusia (OIA-A). The social activism complements all of this he engages in to raise awareness about functional diversity, particularly related to the autism spectrum (he is the father of a 15-year-old autistic child who has already managed to publish his first book).
After studying Library and Documentation Science at the University of Granada, he decided to stay in Alhambra, where he has already published six illustrated albums, which he managed to bring together his passion for literature and art.
Carolina Luzn, born in Barcelona in 1972, holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the University of Seville and a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Granada.
After a long and flourishing pictorial career full of exhibitions (both individual and collective in Spain, Italy, France, and the United States) and awards in painting and drawing (including the Gregorio Prieto First Prize, City of Tomelloso First Prize, and Province of Guadalajara First Prize), she moved to Italy in 2011, where she redirected her career towards illustration. She works in Florence as a drawing teacher. She has already published over a dozen books and received numerous awards that endorse her extraordinary work.