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If I Were an Astronaut (Dream Big!)


Publishing Details

Full Title:

If I Were an Astronaut (Dream Big!)


By (Author) Eric Braun
Illustrated by Sharon Harmer




Capstone Press


Capstone Press

Publication Date:

1st July 2009


United States





Non Fiction

Other Subjects:

Teenage personal and social topics: Advice on careers and further education, lea
Childrens / Teenage general interest: Space, stars and the solar system
Educational: Technology
Educational: Sciences, general science



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



If I were an astronaut, I would zoom into outer space! I would help fix the International Space Station. Dream big, and see what fun it is to be an astronaut.


A question asked by parents and teachers is, "How do we get young people excited about space and its importance"Many will answer, "Make it interesting for them and start them when they are young." Eric Braun has done just that in his book If I Were an Astronaut. Braun lets children in on the life of an astronaut during a mission to the International Space Station. The writing style and illustrations help children understand the fun and excitement of an astronaut's job while teaching them the importance of space exploration. Sharon Harmer's descriptive illustrations nicely complement Braun's text - the charming child-like characters and simple yet thorough illustrations create an awareness of the fascinating places beyond our atmosphere. If I Were an Astronaut puts children into the shoes (or rather, helmet) of an astronaut and will be one of the first looks into the space program for many children. This book also provides children with a glossary of terms, and a list of other books to read and internet sites to visit for more information. Braun also delves into why astronauts go into space - to conduct experiments, to perform mechanical operations, and to make scientific discoveries - while keeping it "kid-friendly." This book is an excellent choice for answering that question.-- "Space Times Magazine"
What do you want to be when you grow up" This series for younger readers urges them to "Dream Big!" when answering that frequently asked question. Four glamorous careers are chosen for consideration, focusing mainly on the fun parts, while leaving the more sober details for an afterword. Well, why not Kids will enjoy romping through an exciting array of experiences, in this volume imagining themselves as astronauts dressed in orange suits, heading for outer space. Enjoying every moment, the spokesperson for this international space team (a girl with a spiky ponytail) imagines herself blasting off and undertaking space tasks like performing "cool science experiments," manipulating a robotic arm for the International Space Station, and taking an exhilarating walk outside the station. Amusing spreads show the young astronaut warming dried food in an oven, chasing errant spaghetti, and sleeping upside down "like a bat" against a wall. This lively space traveler with her round head and huge eyes knows she would "have a blast" in her adventure-filled job. Dream big! Each brightly-colored oversized volume includes a "How do you get to be . . ." page, a helpful glossary, and a list of several related books. 2010-- "Children's Literature Comprehensive Database"

Author Bio

Eric Braun is a children's author and editor. He has written dozens of books on many topics, and one of his books was read by an astronaut on the International Space Station for kids on Earth to watch. Eric lives in Minneapolis with his wife, two kids, and a dog who is afraid of cardboard.

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