Available Formats
Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All
By (Author) Donald Jeffries
Foreword by Naomi Wolf
Skyhorse Publishing
Skyhorse Publishing
1st June 2021
United States
Non Fiction
Corruption in politics, government and society
Width 152mm, Height 229mm, Spine 23mm
A fresh look at economic inequality in America
Updated with a new Foreword by Naomi Wolf, Survival of the Richest scrutinizes how the collective wealth of America has been channeled from the poor and middle class into the hands of a few elitists.
American industry has been gutted, with wages and benefits stagnant or r
Inequality doesnt just happen. It is created by deliberate actions (or inactions) of the power elites. Read how they do it in Survival of the Richest.
Jim Hightower, author, commentator, public speaker and editor of the populist newsletter The Hightower Lowdown
Donald Jeffriess Survival of the Richest lays out a road map of just how the rich play the money game, at the expense of the rest of us.
Len Colodny New York Times bestselling author, Silent Coup: The Removal of a President and Forty Years War: The Rise and Fall of the Neocons from Nixon to Obama
Don Jeffries is that rarest of historians: a truth-teller about the crimes of the ruling class.
Lew Rockwell, former chief of staff for Ron Paul and founder of libertarian website LewRockwell.com
This book vividly documents our state of economic inequalities and the dramatic redistribution of wealth in the past decades. Unfortunatelyas this book provesthat redistribution has been from poor and middle class Americans to the wealthiest One Percent. While mainstream media trains us to resent the recipients of what they term social entitlements, Survival of the Richest is a stirring indictment of where our scorn should actually be targeted.
David Wayne, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Hit List and Corporate Conspiracies: How Wall Street Took Over Washington
Donald Jeffries has clearly stated what the problem with our economy is, and its not the minimum wage or job creation. This is a book every person needs to read to understand the real problems with inequality in our world. He hits it out the park!
Meria Heller, producer and host of The Meria Heller Show
Donald Jeffries bravely, and with unsparing astuteness, examines and reveals the corruption beneath the present state of America's economic imbalances and examines how greedy, plutocratic elitescriminal, dishonest, unscrupuloushave been fleecing the population for decades. The country of Greece is supposedly run by six or seven venal and unprincipled families; in a sense, the same thing can be said of the thieves, shroffs, and mountebanks who have been bilking this nation for years. Wall Street brokers are worse by far than common highwaymen, as are certified banks. If corporations are people, as Gov. Mitt Romney insists, then they should all be tried, sentenced, and hanged! Read this book!
Alexander Theroux, award-winning author of Darconvilles Cat
1912: Most of the survivors of the Titanic catastrophe were the first-class passengers. Those traveling in steerage drowned. 2017: The odds favoring the wealthy are even better. As Donald Jeffries reveals, todays rich not only have more cash, they have more life. If youre a poor 55-year-old man in America, you could reach 77.6. At 55, a rich American male can expect to last to nearly 90. Its not Darwins survival of the fittest, its natural selection bought, sold, and corrupted in a world where the rich make all the rules. Its Survival of the Richest. No matter how much or little you have, this book will piss you off. Better still, it will wise you up to the cash-and-carry realities of riches, poverty, morality, and justice in the twenty-first century.
Alan Axelrod, author of Full Faith and Credit: The National Debt, Taxes, Spending, and the Bankrupting of America
In a skillfully researched book Jeffries gets it right: maldistribution of wealth is the biggest problem facing our nation today. It has savaged the poor and working class, endangered the middle class, and created economic anxiety for the 99%, all while the rich grow wealthier and wield more political power. Survival of the Richest is an important bookuntil we comprehend and confront the cancerous consequences of economic inequality it will continue to eat away at our democracy, the public good, and the American dream.
Arthur Blaustein, author of Make a Difference and former Chair of the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity
Survival of the Richest is a shrewd, penetrating study of how income inequality and the unrelenting perpetuation of a permanent underclass has made a mockery of any claim that this country has of calling itself a democracy. Its an important book, a chronicle of how in every aspect of social life the poor are deprived of an equal chance. Author Donald Jeffries moves from jobs to education to sports. If youre rich, you get ahead. If youre poor, you have no chance.
Joan Mellen, author of Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture of Texas
Donald Jeffries sounds the alarm that the wealth inequality gap that grew under President Obama may have entered a dangerous phase where the One Percent rich are getting richer through the systematic exploitation of unfair advantages, perpetrated by globalist free trade policies that doom the poor to get poorer. How can a nation remain democratic, Jeffries importantly asks, when nearly 100 million able-bodied Americans of working age in a population of 320 million are unable to function without entitlement largess because they lack the skills, the contacts, and the sophistication to advance in a technologically advanced, global economy
Jerome R. Corsi, author of Obama Nation and America for Sale
Written with clarity and passion, Donald Jeffries take us down the dark winding path of rich versus poor and along the way spares no one. He takes on both sides of the political aisle, giving examples of how both parties are in the pockets of the rich and powerful and how they care little for the least among us. Reading Survival of the Richest was like a cold slap in the face.
William Matson Law, author In the Eye of History
Donald Jeffries Survival of the Richest asks the questions nobody else is asking about fairness, equity, legacy, and the place of Americas poor in society. Where are the statesmen Where are the humanitarians Why do the very rich not invest in the poor or in society like their predecessors did This is a story that needs to be told. And it is incumbent on all of us to listen. John Kiriakou, author of Doing Time Like a Spy: How the CIA Taught Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison
For many, rich is just another four-letter word. . . . Examining topics as diverse as immigration, globalization, government bailouts, and celebrity salaries, Jeffries compiles an abundance of statistical information that could just as easily be used to support or refute conventional wisdom regarding the countrys economic foundation and future. This wide-ranging exploration of wealth accumulation and distribution at times borders on the polemic but will nonetheless provide food for thought and fuel for discussion.
Donald Jeffriess novel The Unreals has been lauded by the likes of multiaward-winning author Alexander Theroux and Night at the Museum screenwriter R. Ben Garant. His first nonfiction book, Hidden History, has earned the praise of everyone from political operative Roger Stone to international peace activist Cindy Sheehan to former Congressperson Cynthia McKinney. He is also the author of Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: 1776-1963. Jeffries lives in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Naomi Wolf, author of eight New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, including The Beauty Myth, The End of America, and Give Me Liberty, is a Rhodes Scholar and former advisor to the Clinton and Gore campaigns. Wolf is CEO of DailyClout.io, a news site and legislative database in which US state and federal legislation is shared digitally and read and explained weekly.