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A Study In Sable: An Elemental Masters Novel


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Publishing Details

Full Title:

A Study In Sable: An Elemental Masters Novel


By (Author) Mercedes Lackey




Astra Publishing House


DAW Books

Publication Date:

15th June 2017


United States






Main Subject:


Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 105mm, Height 171mm


Psychic Nan and Medium Sarah have been agents of Lord Alderscroft, the Elemental Fire Master, since leaving school. Now, Lord Alderscroft assigns them another commission: to assist the famous man living at 221 Baker Street, Dr. John Watson and his wife. Their assigned task divides the girls for the first time since they were children. A German opera star begs Sarah for help, seeking a Medium's aid against some spitirs. As Sarah becomes entwined with the Prima Donna, Nan continues to assist John and Mary Watson, only to discover that Sarah's case is far more sinister than it seems


Praise for the Elemental Masters series:

The Paris of Degas, turn-of-the-century Blackpool, and the desperation of young girls without family or other protection come to life in astory that should interest a broad readership. Booklist

All infine fairy-tale tradition. Its grim fun, with some nice historical detail, and just a hint of romance to help lighten things. Locus

The action and dialogue flow freely, mingling with beautiful descriptions of European countryside and just a hint of romance. Awell-developed heroine and engaging story. Publishers Weekly

The fifth in the series involving the mysterious Elemental Masters, this story of a resourceful young dancer also delivers a new version of a classic fairy tale.Richly detailed historic backgroundsadd flavor and richness to an already strong series that belongs in most fantasy collections. Highly recommended. Library Journal

Lackeys fantastical world of Elementals, plus her delightful Nan and Sarah, create an amusing contrast for Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Themix of humor, history, fantasy, and mysteryis balanced in a way that any reader could pick up the book and thoroughly enjoy it from beginning to end. RT Reviews

The Elementals novels arebeautiful, romantic adult fairy tales. Master magician Mercedes Lackey writes a charming fantasy. Worlds of Wonder

Ms. Lackey isa master in fantasy, and this visit to an alternate historical England is no exception. Vivid characterization and believable surroundings are flawlessly joined in a well-detailed world. Darque Reviews

"I find Ms. Lackey'sElemental Mastersseriesa true frolic into fantasy."
Fantasy Book Spot

Author Bio

Mercedes Lackeyis a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the best-selling Heralds of Valdemar series. She is also a professional lyricist and a licensed wild bird rehabilitator. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, artist Larry Dixon, and their flock of parrots. She can be found at mercedeslackey.com or on Twitter at @mercedeslackey.

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