Inexperience: And Other Stories
By (Author) Anthony Macris
UWA Publishing
1st August 2016
Short stories
Can a relationship survive a long-anticipated but disappointing world trip Will a small-shopkeeper cope when pitted against an emerging mega-mall How do we keep our sanity in the face of life's obstacles - and when we don't, what will pull it back again Take a trip through the world's greatest cities and into the mind's darkest places. Anthony Macris's new fiction - a novella and accompanying story cycle - deftly examines our fragile relationships with travel, art, money and, especially, each other. Inexperience includes award-winning work previously featured in publications such as Penguin's Australian Writing Now and Picador New Writing. The collection refreshes and unites Macris's early work with new writing from the perspective of the more mature and contemplative writer. In it, Macris's innovative story-telling and subtle ironies show how the experiences that make or break us can also be the ones that tell us who we are. Take a look at the book trailer