Summoned to the Sance: Spirit tales from Beyond the Veil
By (Author) Emily Vincent
British Library Publishing
British Library Publishing
1st April 2025
United Kingdom
Ghosts and poltergeists
Mythical, legendary and supernatural beings, monsters and creatures
Width 130mm, Height 190mm
Through the electric silence around the sance table, therapping of an unknown hand spells out a horrible revelation. Aposthumous journey through the spirit realm strips bare themind of an avowed sceptic. A medium performing one lastsance finds themselves in the cold clutches of a woeful spirit.In the mid-nineteenth century, public fascination withspiritualism surged, bringing forth a new literary craze for storiesof ghost and demon summonings and communications with thedead via a medium. Reviving a thrilling host of these spectralnarratives from the birth of the movement through to its lastdays of popularity in the twentieth century and featuring storiesby authors from Arthur Conan Doyle to Agatha Christie, thisnew collection invites you to a seat around the table, at thefragile threshold between the mortal world and the chillingrealms of the dead.
Emily Vincent is a researcher and writer based at the Universityof Birmingham, whose specialisms include spiritualism, occultdetection, nineteenth-century ghost stories, and pandemics inVictorian literature.