Blood Enemies: Volume 7
By (Author) Susan R. Matthews
Baen Books
Baen Books
11th June 2018
United States
Science fiction
Adventure / action fiction
Science fiction: military
Width 105mm, Height 171mm, Spine 30mm
THE LEGENDARY, CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED UNDER JURISDICTIONSERIES CONTINUES! The latest entry in Matthew's Under Jursidiction series, now in mass market paperback.
Andrej Koscuisko is a former Fleet Medical Officer for the enormous totalitarian star empire, the Jurisdiction. But when he served in the Fleet,Andrejs real job was not medicine, but to act as a torturer. Years ago, he left that life behind. But now The Angel of Death, a savage terrorist organization, means to capture the system he calls home. The only way to bring down an organization that has slain whole systems of men, women, and children is for Andrej to embrace the savagery in his own heart and once again take onthe role of Judicial torturer.
AboutBlood Enemies:
"A very satisfying entry ina very scary series!"Janis Ian
"Starting withAn Exchange of Hostages,IdevouredSusan R. Matthews 'Koscuisko' novelsall six of themwhen they first appeared.Books with this much courage, clarity, and empathy are rare.The Under Jurisdiction series is a remarkable and unprecedented accomplishment.Stephen R. Donaldson,New York Timesbest-selling author of the Thomas Covenant series.
More praise for Susan R. Matthews:
[Matthews] brilliantly uses science fictions freedom of creation to make a world in which she can explore deep moral conflicts.Denver Post
. . . hasa dark energy . . .an extremely compelling read.New York Review of Science Fiction
A chilling and engaging novel of false accusation and the power of personal responsibility.BooklistonAngel of Drestruction
A tightly woven space opera full of grand heroic gestures and characters strong enough to sustain all the action.BooklistonThe Devil and Deep Space
Susan R. Matthews has been living with protagonist Andrej Koscuisko of her Under Jurisdiction series for a very long time (in a manner of speaking). Her wife is getting pretty tired of it, too, but he was there first. Maggie and Susan have only been married for thirty-seven years.
Although her own branch of service during her two-year stint on active duty was Medical Administration (where being constantly mistaken for a nurse just because she was a female officer was a constant irritation tells you how long ago that was), she has recently immersed herself in the history of German U-boats in World Wars I and II. In the absence of new English-language books on the subject she considers that her next logical step is to learn to read German.