The Alexander Inheritance: Volume 2
By (Author) Eric Flint
By (author) Paula Goodlett
By (author) Gorg Huff
Baen Books
Baen Books
28th August 2018
United States
Adventure / action fiction
Alternative history fiction
Science fiction: time travel
Width 105mm, Height 171mm, Spine 23mm
TIME TRAVEL ALT. HISTORY FROM A MASTER:Flint's Ring of Fire and Boundary series have proved him to be a master of time travel alternate history. Here then, a new tale of persons displaced in time, fighting for their lives.
Twice before, mysterious cosmic catastrophes have sent portions of the Earth across space and back in time. Now, the planet is struck with yet another such cataclysm, whose direct impact falls upon theQueen of the Sea,a cruise ship in the Caribbean. When the convulsions subside, the crew and passengers of the ship discover that they have arrived in a new and frightening world.
They are in the Mediterranean now, not the Caribbean. Still worse, they discover that the disaster has sent them more than two thousand years back in time, into what will become known as the Hellenistic Period. It is a time in which Greek civilization spreads around the Mediterranean and beyond. It is a time of chaos. A time of civil war. A time of bloodshed.
This is the new world in which theQueen of the Seafinds itself. Can Marie Easley and Captain Lars Flodden guide the crew and passengers through this cataclysm Fortunately, they have some help: a young Norwegian ships officer who forms an attachment to Alexanders widow; a French officer who is a champion pistol marksman; a canny Congressman from Utahand, most of all, many people of the time who are drawn to a vision of the better world of the future.
About Eric Flints Ring of Fire series:
This alternate history series isa landmarkBooklist
[Eric] Flint's1632universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.Booklist
reads like a technothriller set in the age of the MedicisPublishers Weekly
Eric Flint was the creator of the New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire series, the best-selling alternate history series of all time. Beginning with 1632, Flintalong with dozens of cowriterschronicled what happened when the 20th-century town of Grantville, West Virginia, was transported through time and space to 17th-century Europe. In addition, Flint was the author, with New York Times best seller David Weber, of the Crown of Slaves Saga, as well as the Belisarius serieswith best-selling author David Drake. Flint was the editor of Jim Baens Universe, as well as numerous short story anthologies. Before becoming a writer, Flint worked as a trade union organizer, longshoreman, truck driver, auto worker, steel worker, oil worker, meatpacker, glassblower, and machinist. Eric Flint passed away in 2022.
Paula Goodlett retired from the military as a noncommissioned officer in the early nineties. She broke her leg in 2003, which led to her browsing Baen's Bar lest she become bored during her enforced inactivity. Captivated by the 1632 universe concept, she began as a special assistant to Eric Flint. She eventually wrote a large important sequence of the storyline in 1634: The Ram Rebellion. She was editor of the Grantville Gazetteand chairs the 1632 Editorial Board. Additionally, Paula was assistant editor of the e-zine Jim Baen's Universe. Paula mainly writes in tandem with Gorg Huff.
Gorg Huff is a Texas citizen who has enthusiastically helped in researching the 1632 series background, written numerous stories for the Grantville Gazette, and contributed both maps and drawings to 1634: The Bavarian Crisis. Gorg began as a solo writer, but now principally teams with Paula Goodlett.