Alone Vol. 10: The Machine For Undying
By (Author) Fabien Vehlmann
Illustrated by Bruno Gazzotti
Cinebook Ltd
Cinebook Ltd
27th June 2019
United Kingdom
Width 217mm, Height 287mm
Murdered by the First Families' war leader, Camille has finally shown her true nature: she is the Midnight-Child, the envoy of Evil! Her friends, however, don't know it yet, as they've all been scattered by accident or treachery. Leila, imprisoned by Neosalem's authorities. Dodzi, captured by their enemies of the Last Families. Ivan, presumed dead Only Terry, the brat, has managed to escape along with the Master of Knives. Not the most conventional of teams
FabienVehlmanngot into comics by flooding Spirou Magazinewith proposed scripts until he was accepted. Since then he's proven his mettle with such hits as Green Manorand a Spirouone-off, before becoming in 2009 the new official team for Dupuis' flagship series with Yoann. BrunoGazzottistarted by doing odd jobs at Spirou Magazine, eventually becoming Tomeand Janry'sassistant on Little Spirou. In 1990 he takes over the art on SODA, a highly successful series that will make him a household name.