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Black Jack Volume 3


Publishing Details

Full Title:

Black Jack Volume 3


By (Author) Osamu Tezuka




Vertical Inc.


Vertical Inc.

Publication Date:

15th January 2009


United States








Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 152mm, Height 203mm




The Manga legend's series continues. By the creator of Astro Boy and Kimba, The White Lion, it is as important a work in Tezuka's canon as his multiple award-winning Buddha. A rich medical drama that mixes mystery, intrigue, suspense, action and a dash of humour, with a fascinating main character, a notorious scalpel-for-hire who keeps his caring nature a secret, preferring instead to be perceived as a heartless cad. Presented in its original right to left format, columes three and four feature more than 25 exciting stories, translated for the first time.



Black Jack is a dramatic, nearly Byronic figure With genre-spanning storieshorror, sci-fi, romanceand Tezukas signature blend of drama, bathos and extreme broad comedy jammed together on every page, Black Jack is a wild but extravagantly entertaining ride thats far more accessible than the authors novel-length epics. Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Black Jack, the tortured renegade surgeon who operates on the desperately needy (and, on occasion, himself)makes TVs Dr. House look like Mary Poppins. Los Angeles Times

The stories are a unique mix of an Isaac Bashevis Singer morality tale, and outstanding creative medicine. Though Black Jack is aimed at a young audience, it has maturity not found in adult works. Its a piece of comic art that excels in form, and message. Aint It Cool News
While Astro Boy is more iconic and Phoenix is more epic in scope, Black Jack is arguably Tezukas best and most enjoyable work [It] hits Tezukas sweet spot where his heart, his head and his sense of humor meet in perfect company. About.com
Surely theres nothing in this series more continually striking than the artists relentless, guaranteed depictions of surgery itself, happy rubber skin always peeled away to show realist meat and bone, minutely detailed organs mended or transplanted, then covered up again in the stuff of effortless napkin doodles I found even the least of [these stories] fascinating examples of an artist casting his net especially far, secure in his talented hands and firm in his fameready to confront any malady, striving to cut away any harm, instrument tips sharp for making flesh whole. Jog The Blog
Iconic doesnt begin to sum up Black Jacks importance in the world of manga I see a lot of Tezuka fans reaching for their walletsnot just for this volume alone, but for the whole of Black Jack as its finally being re-released in the English-language edition it has always deserved. It was, and will be, more than worth the wait. Platinum Award. Advanced Media Network

Great materialclassic crazy Tezuka with a bloody medical heartbeat tuning out the sound of mans inhumanity to man. Newsrama
Totally fun, totally engrossing. Black Jack is a page-turner of the highest order, and I blew through 280+ pages and Im hungry for more. Comics212.net

To match the beautiful outside, Camellia Nieh did a fantastic job with the translation. The entire book was a fantastic read cover-to-cover that I refused to put down. Whether youre just getting into manga, or have been a fan for decades, it would be a shame not to own this seminal title. Japanator

Author Bio

Osamu Tezuka (1928-89) is the godfather of Japanese manga comics. He originally intended to become a doctor and earned his degree before turning to what was then a medium for children. His many early masterpieces include the series known in the U.S. as Astro Boy. With his sweeping vision, deftly intertwined plots, feel for the workings of power, and indefatigable commitment to human dignity, Tezuka elevated manga to an art form. The later Tezuka, when he authored Buddha, often had in mind the mature readership that manga gained in the sixties and that had only grown ever since. The Kurosawa of Japanese pop culture, Osamu Tezuka is a twentieth century classic.

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