Buck Danny 3 - Ghost Squadron
By (Author) Francis Bergese
Cinebook Ltd
Cinebook Ltd
4th October 2012
4th October 2012
United Kingdom
Width 217mm, Height 287mm, Spine 8mm
Bosnia, 1995. Serb forces are encircling Sarajevo and defying UN peacekeeping troops, even shooting at patrolling US Navy fighters. International politics keep American hands tied. After Tuckson disobeys orders and attacks a Serb position, he is disciplined by being sent to a secret base, where other pilots from the US military - including Buck - are training for a mysterious mission in unmarked planes. But this Ghost Squadron is not the only unofficial fighting force in the area...
Francis Bergese, pilot and aviation enthusiast, is the most reputable illustrator in the area of aviation art and was chosen to be in charge of the new "Buck Danny" adventures. This series, the creation of Georges Troisfontaines, Victor Hubinon and Jean-Michel Charlier, has sold 15 million copies. Bergese also adapted into graphic novels some of the "Biggles" novels of Captain W.E. Johns.