By (Author) Sylvain Runberg
Other Serge Pelle
Cinebook Ltd
Cinebook Ltd
20th February 2020
30th April 2020
United Kingdom
Width 217mm, Height 287mm
It's clear now: the Neuronomes are not attacking the Confederation, but rather are the victims of a mysterious aggressor, and they explode when they die. They did, however, take up positions near large population centres, threatening to take thousands of lives with them when they go in order to pressure Confederate authorities - who had once massacred them - into helping them. Unsurprisingly, Caleb, Mezoke and Angus are chosen to go to the Neuronomes' home planet and neutralise the unknown threat.
Sylvain Runberg is a rising star of Bandes Dessinees. His international career now spans over thirty series and one-shots, including adaptations of the Swedish novel series Millenniumfor both the French and US markets, as well as penning completely new comic-format adventures for Lisbeth Salander. Serge Pelle used to work in advertising. He published his first book in 1996 and, since then, has divided his time between drawing comics, designing sets and video games, and creating cartoon animation.