Available Formats
Published: 17th July 2014
Published: 25th December 2014
Published: 22nd October 2015
Published: 31st May 2018
Published: 31st May 2018
Macanudo #1
By (Author) Liniers
Translated by Mara Faye Lethem
Enchanted Lion Books
Enchanted Lion Books
17th July 2014
United States
"Anyone can draw a cat, anyone can draw a little girl or a man with a hat, but not everyone can make that cat, that little girl and that man with a hat different from any we've ever seen before and have them become part of our world, as if we knew them personally. Liniers draws characters, and his characters are macanudos, which is to say extraordinary and awesome. And he draws them so well that they're all lovely, even the ugly ones are so perfectly ugly that they're beautiful. Loners, with a pop innocence that's sometimes a bit perverse, they move elegantly between sadness and astonishment, like anonymous actors in small B movies."Maitena
In Macanudo, Ricardo Liniers Siri uses crayon, ink, and watercolor with incredible skill to render an entire world that is poetic, absurd, emotionally expressive, and full of surprise. Anything and everything about our world can find its way into Macanudo, but it will have passed through Liniers's particular filter, and it thus will have become rendered funny, beautiful, and incredibly sympathetic.
Ricardo Liniers Siri was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he now lives with his wife and three daughters. For more than ten years he has published an enormously popular daily strip, Macanudo, in Argentina's largest daily newspaper, La Nacion. Up until now, nine collections of the strip have been published in Argentina. He also travels around the world drawing on stage with musician Kevin Johansen. His work has been published in nine countries, including Spain, Italy, France, Brazil, and the Czech Republic. His first book to be published in the United States was The Big Wet Balloon (September 2013).
Mara Faye Lethem has translated novels by David Trueba, Albert Snchez Piol, Idelfonso Falcones, Javier Calvo, Patricio Pron, Marc Pastor, and Pablo De Santis, among others. Her translations have appeared in The Best American Non-Required Reading 2010, Granta, the Paris Review, and McSweeneys.
"Liniers manages to craft comics that never talk down to children, regardless of whether or not they involve children. [His strip] is not cynical or sarcastic or high-tech. It aims for that timelessness that we associate with some of the very best comic strips about childhood, from Peanuts to Calvin and Hobbes." -- Alex Dueben, The Comics Journal "... a comfortable, inviting cast of characters (penguins included) expertly delineated with soft cartoon charm that younger readers who eschew crunching action will be most grateful for and curl up warmly with for many an hour." -- Jesse Karp, Booklist "Macanudo is a joy! Liniers' whimsical and wry observations about cats, relationships, gnomes, and gravity make me happy, but most important, he draws funny!" -- Jeff Smith, author of BONE and RASL "There is no ongoing story line and each strip stands on its own, so this title would be a good choice for those looking for a sweet, lighthearted graphic novel." -- Andrea Lipinski, New York Public Library "The most amusing strips feature Henrietta, a smart little girl, and either Mandelbaum, her frustratingly nonresponsive teddy bear, or Fellini, her cat. The huge cast plays out observational jokes based on Liniers's multifaceted interests that are ably captured by his wispy art, which would look right at home in the New Yorker. At its heart, this is a gag-humor strip, but the intellectual undertone mixes the sweetness of Calvin and Hobbes and the surrealism of the Far Side. It's an impressive sampling." -- Publishers Weekly
Liniers: Liniers was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He has created many illustrations & comics for the press, collections and anthologies. His series Macanudo is published daily in Argentina's largest newspaper, La Nacion.