Be Healthy Everyday: With Plants Guide & Recipe Ideas
By (Author) Eva Minguet
Instituto Monsa de Ediciones
Instituto Monsa de Ediciones
7th May 2022
Width 230mm, Height 170mm
To maintain good physical and mental health, it's necessary to take good care of our body. We need to sleep well, eat properly, and exercise consistently. There are many emotions present in our daily life: stress, anxiety, anguish, worry, dissatisfaction, nerves, among others. Knowing how to deal with all these feelings is essential for good health. When we practice physical sports, our body releases endorphins, also known as the "happiness hormones," a natural substance produced by the brain during and after physical activity. Incorporating sports with healthy eating habits ensures that we get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential for our body and mind to develop properly. Plants and fruit provide us with a wide range of natural therapies, antidepressants, and anti-inflammatories, to improve digestion or achieve a more relaxing and healing sleep... Here are some suggestions on how to use and incorporate natural remedies for better health, organised according to their use.
Eva Minguet is a creative based in Barcelona and author of several books including the popular Women's Club, Wes Anderson Tribute, Tarantino, Stranger Things, and Twin Peaks. Since 2012, she has led the production department of Monsa Publishing House, selecting material, preparing layouts, and organizing editorial schedules.