Beyond the Bump: A clinical psychologist's guide to navigating the mental, emotional and physical turmoil of becoming a mother
By (Author) Sally Shepherd
Allen & Unwin
Allen & Unwin
3rd September 2019
2nd July 2020
Non Fiction
Womens health
Popular psychology
Width 150mm, Height 230mm, Spine 20mm
Beyond the Bump is a thoughtful and practical guide that aims to help new mums feel calm, confident and equipped to face the physical, emotional and mental hurdles they may encounter post birth.
Clinical psychologist Sally Shepherd understands that a healthy and happy parent is a baby's most important asset. But the first year postpartum can be very challenging. Women must grapple with a whole new existence, and going from 'me' to 'we' can be terrifying for new mums. Sally hadn't expected to struggle during this time, so it came as a big surprise when she did. As they say, you don't know what you don't know, and it turns out Sally didn't know much at all! She had more extensive training for her first job at KFC than she did for the 'job' of being a mum!
Beyond the Bump is a book that focuses on mothers. Sally has combined her personal and professional experiences, along with clinical research, to create this much-needed resource. Covering rage, relationships, nutrition, identity and returning to work, it is a kind, considered and essential companion for any new mum.
Sally is an experienced clinical psychologist with a passion for and expertise in helping new mums adjust to parenthood and cope with the common challenges associated with the first year postpartum. She has done extensive research in the area, reviewed current scientific literature, interviewed dozens of mums about their experiences. She is writing from her own experience as a Mum as well as a psychologist.
She has previously written about adjustment to parenting for publications such as, motherly, and Her View From Home.