Healthy at Home: Get Well and Stay Well Without Prescriptions
By (Author) Tieraona Low Dog
National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
13th January 2010
United States
Non Fiction
Width 168mm, Height 236mm
Get the how, when, and why of getting better and staying well with homemade remedies that the doctor orders. National Geographic helps you take charge of health care guided by a physician expert in natural healing, herbal medicine, and home remedies. Never have we needed this advice more than now, as worries about hospital-borne infections, antibiotic resistance, and pandemic threats make us yearn for the days of doctor home visits and mother's chicken soup. We need to rediscover the special care and comfort that comes from caring for health at home, says Dr. Low Dog. In this book she guides us in identifying, responding to, and caring for all the most common ailments, so that when it's time to take care at home, you have a doctor's advice on how. Learn how to make herbal remedies and why you and your family will be healthier for doing so--and get advice on when it's best to consult a health care professional instead.
"Low Dog does a great job of balancing the appropriate times to take herbal remedies and provides clear instructions on using herbs and making teas, salves, and tinctures. Accessible and reliable." -Library Journal
TIERAONA LOW DOG, M.D.,is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of integrative medicine, dietary supplements, herbal medicine and women's health. Dr. Low Dog has been aninvited speaker to more than 550 scientific conferences,has published 45 peer-reviewed articles, written 22 chapters for medical textbooks, and published five books including National Geographic'sLife is Your Best MedicineandHealthy at Home. She is afrequent guest on theDr. Ozshow and NPR'sThe People's Pharmacy. She currentlyserves as the Fellowship Director for the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine where she leads the nation's first inter-professional graduate level training program in integrative medicine.