Hopscotch & Handbags: The Truth about Being a Girl
By (Author) Lucy Mangan
Headline Publishing Group
Headline Review
1st July 2008
29th May 2008
United Kingdom
Non Fiction
Width 132mm, Height 197mm, Spine 22mm
HOPSCOTCH & HANDBAGS is a journey through girlhood, covering all the important issues like family, friendships and first snogs, while not forgetting to take in all the other stuff - like how you'll find you may be judged by your wardrobe rather than your brain, and how reports of the death of sexism in the workplace may be a little premature. Entertaining but informative, you'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll find yourself nodding enthusiastically. If you're a girl, you'll find classic insights here you cannot do without.
From your place within the family ('It's a girl! What a pity!') through the intricacies of what not to wear and who not to talk to, everything you need to know about losing your virginity, how to get along with your mother and get ahead in the workplace, this is a full and frank account of how it really is different for girls.'Intelligent, wonderfully written and extremely funny... a joyous book' -- India Knight, Sunday Times
Lucy Mangan was educated in Catford and Cambridge. She spent two years training to be a solicitor, then left the law as soon as she qualified. She took a placement with the Guardian" in 2003 and hung around until they gave her a job. She has been a columnist and features writer there for the past two years, currently writing for the Guardian Weekend" magazine.