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Cell Level Meditation: The Healing Power in the Smallest Unit of Life

(Paperback, 2nd Edition, New Edition)

Publishing Details

Full Title:

Cell Level Meditation: The Healing Power in the Smallest Unit of Life


By (Author) Barry Grundland
By (author) Patricia Kay




Inner Traditions Bear and Company


Findhorn Press

Publication Date:

21st April 2021


2nd Edition, New Edition


United States





Non Fiction



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 152mm, Height 229mm, Spine 13mm




A practical tool to engage the healing capacity of the body

Explains how to connect with your cells through breath and awareness to enact profound healing and inner communication on the deepest level

Enables you to experience cell consciousness directly as you not only visualize and connect with the cell but actually become it

Shares profound healing experiences from those who have practiced cell level meditation, both those who are experienced meditators and those who had never done it before

By simply looking at something, by becoming aware of it, you can change it. Cell Level Meditation focuses awareness on the smallest unit of life for the purpose of healing. Using the timeless technique of combining awareness with the breath, you move into the cells and become them. By meditating with your cells, you can awaken to the vast potential within yourself, move to greater levels of self-awareness, and enact healing all the way down to the cellular level.

In this simple guide, Patricia Kay, MA, and Barry Grundland, MD, give you the tools to connect with the wisdom and intelligence of your cells and work with them to heal. They offer sample meditations to help you connect with specific cells, such as your liver or lung cells, yet emphasize that you should use the Cell Level Meditation technique to follow your intuition and discover the cells that are inviting you in. Sharing their own and others experiences, from both experienced meditators and those who had never meditated before, they validate experiences you are likely to have and inspire you with stories of profound healings from serious illness such as cancer as well as other ailments and everyday stresses.

The authors explain how during Cell Level Meditation, you may have a vision or an insight, or some inner experience of shape, color, movement, sounds, or smells. You may also feel a shift in your physical body. By bringing breath into these experiences and staying present with them, you open up to a new level of communication within yourself and discover your unique way of bringing harmony and healing to your life.

Guided to be an active participant in your healing, engaging many levels of your inner experience, you are led to a new level of mind-body coherence.


Its amazing that youve been able to express the ineffable in ways that speak to beginners as well as seasoned meditators. This book and the method are very simple without being simplistic. Its so profound! * DENNIS deLEON, M.D., chief medical officer of AdventHealth Kissimmee *
Written with both poetry and precision, Cell Level Meditation synthesizes many ways of knowing and makes very complex material both accessible and fascinating. And it contains the wisdom garnered through years of authentic experience. * Julia Brayshaw, M.A., psychotherapist, mental health counselor, and author of Medicine of Place *
Within the pages of this book, I was delighted to find an elegantly simple offering that guides the reader to a threshold of inner truth through meditation. If you are on a road to discovering true self, Cell Level Meditation is a wonderful point of interest to explore. I am sure you will find the inner view of you to be astounding. * Peggy Smith, certified vibrational medicine practitioner *
Cell Level Meditation is a lively narrative that moves between macro and micro, from personal to global--a written expression of the expanding and compressing practice of returning to breath. A deep exploration into our bodies most basic cellular structures, as well as how we might fit in as cells of a larger cosmos, is pragmatically demonstrated throughout the text in the consistent practice of return to the vital function of breath. In fact, the book breathes! * Dianne Miller, homeopathic master clinician (HMC) *
This book speaks in an easy way about something incredibly complex. In this beautiful simplicity, it can be read on several levels. By reading it again and again, the process can take you to deeper experiences of awareness for a more profound embodiment. Its a book to hold and return to throughout your journey. * Joleen Kelleher, registered nurse, certified classical homeopath (CCH), and founder of Light Institu *
Cell Level Meditation evokes in one a desire to reach in and explore sound, breath, visual scapes and fields, and encounters with new horizons that make up its power into levels of potential healing; it beckons and engages. Throughout, it dances into the joy and power of letting the reader in on the healing course that cells are being redirected by Cell Level Meditation and breath. In the closing chapters the reader is gently prodded to Go sit in your cell and your cell will teach you everything. And it further states whatever you can imagine, opens possibilities that can burst into physical reality. The noble cells of your body can rest, take stock of the situation, and create solutions to problems. What makes the cells of the body so successful is their ability to cooperate! Sounds like we should be taking classes from them. One can conclude Cell Level Meditation is therefore a companion textbook, a new friend in introducing cell level listening. Youll find the harmonics insightful. * Jose Sad Osio, publisher, Sacred Passages Death Doula, and educator in the death literacy move *
"This book tackles a very complex subject and somehow brings it down to very simple terms regardless of your level of meditation practice. For a psychoneuroimmunologist and a homeopath to come together is sign of our times and the need for a more inclusive way to see the world and our relationship to it. Chapter 13, Breathing to Beliefs, takes the reader deep into the unconscious beliefs/tapes that dictate so much of our lives, much of which is to our detriment."
"One of the things I appreciated about Cell Level Meditation is the way in which the reader is enveloped in the intention, whether overtly or subtly in the writings, with a gift of opening to the experience of meditation. Cell Level Mediation takes the reader into a journey of the microcosmic nature of our self and the profound power of healing and wholeness contained in the singular component of our physical make-up--the cell. And, from that place of the cell the potential for what can be brought back into the macrocosm is limitless." * Robin Fennelly, Musing Mystical *

Author Bio

BARRY GRUNDLAND, M.D. (1933-2016), was a psychiatrist who specialized in psychoneuroimmunology (mind-body healing). For more than 40 years, he worked with people as a true healer with incredible insight and compassion. Cell Level Meditation was his lifes work. PATRICIA KAY, M.A., CCH, CSD, is a homeopath, teacher, writer, and retired midwife. She studied Cell Level Meditation with Barry for 15 years and currently works as a spiritual director, guiding people to bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment using his teaching. She lives in Olympia, Washington.

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