The Autoimmune Fix: How to Stop the Hidden Autoimmune Damage That Keeps You Sick, Fat, and Tired Before It Turns Into Disease
By (Author) Tom O'Bryan
Foreword by Mark Hyman
Rodale Press Inc.
Rodale Press Inc.
1st May 2018
20th September 2016
United States
Non Fiction
Popular medicine and health
Fitness and diet
Width 161mm, Height 236mm, Spine 34mm
Do you have crud in the blood Millions of people suffer from autoimmunity whether they know it or not. The root cause of most weight gain, brain and mood problems, and fatigue, autoimmunity can take years-or even decades-for symptoms and a clear diagnosis to arise. Through years of research, Dr. Tom O'Bryan has discovered that autoimmunity is actually a spectrum, and many people experiencing general malaise are already on it. And while autoimmune diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and lupus, have become the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, many people affected are left in the dark. The good news is that many autoimmune conditions can be reversed through a targeted protocol designed to heal the autoimmune system, 70 percent of which is located in the gut. The Autoimmune Fix includes two comprehensive 3-week plans- In the first 3 weeks, you'll follow a Paleo-inspired diet during which you cut out gluten, sweets, and dairy-the three primary culprits behind autoimmunity. Once the dietary changes have been addressed, The Autoimmune Fix focuses on the other causes of autoimmunity such as genetics, other dietary issues, and microbiome. The Autoimmune Fix provides a practical and much-needed guide to navigating these increasingly common conditions to help you feel better and develop a plan that works for you.
Praise for "The Autoimmune Fix"In this groundbreaking book, esteemed expert Dr. Tom O Bryan provides an effective, easy-to-implement, meticulously researched plan to address autoimmune conditions that hold your health and weight hostage. A must-read to reclaim the energy and vitality you deserve!--JJ. Virgin, Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert and Four-Time New York Times bestselling author"The Autoimmune Fix "is a powerful and cogent examination of the mechanisms underlying the surge in autoimmune conditions in our modern world. And gratefully, Dr. O Bryan s masterful text provides a proven, actionable plan to restore immune balance and reawaken health.--David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of "Grain Brain "and" Brain Maker"Dr. O'Bryan's book 'The Autoimmune Fix' is a science-based frame shifting view of the origin of autoimmune disease and the role that diet and lifestyle play in its prevention and treatment. This is a must read for anyone searching for answers to autoimmune disease."--Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, President, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute, and author of "Disease Delusion"I have admired and been informed by Dr. Tom O Bryan s perspective and approach to the topic of autoimmune disease for many years. In "The Autoimmune Fix" he brings his broad knowledge, with careful consideration of the scientific evidence, directly to those suffering from autoimmunity and those wishing to avoid that fate. He does not just ring the alarm bell, but provides proactive solutions to dealing with this epidemic sweeping through western industrialized society. When it comes to understanding this modern autoimmunity epidemic it doesn't get any better than this."--David M.Brady, ND, CCN, DACBN, V.P. Health Sciences & Director, Human Nutrition Institute, University of Bridgeport, author of "The Fibro Fix." An autoimmune condition fuels more inflammation, thereby thwarting your best efforts to balance hormones, stabilize thyroid function, reduce stress, or almost any effort to get healthier. Read "The Autoimmune Fix." You ll look back years from now and be grateful that you did. Dr. Tom O Bryan has done an outstanding job describing the autoimmune spectrum, why it matters, and how to identify if you re on the autoimmune spectrum. You'll save yourself unnecessary suffering by learning this information years before the damage is severe enough to cause symptoms. --Sara Gottfried, MD, "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Hormone Cure" and "The Hormone Reset Diet" No one gets an autoimmune disease overnight, whether it s MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer s, Scientists know that these diseases are decades-long processes of slow tissue damage with several distinct steps along the way before there s enough damage to warrant a diagnosis.Dr. Tom O Bryan has done a remarkable job putting together a clear picture of what autoimmune diseases are, why the immune system begins attacking itself, and most importantly what you can do about it. His protocols are highly aligned with The Wahls Protocol. This book will change your life. --Terry Wahls, MD, bestselling author of "The Wahls Protocol" The field of autoimmunity is complex and ever expanding. Although there is much to learn, on going research continues to give us a clearer understanding of some of the vulnerabilities and triggers we face today. Dr. O'Bryan's book, "The Autoimmune Fix," does a very good job of explaining some of the basic principles of how our diet and environmental exposures can activate our unique genes making us more vulnerable to developing an autoimmune disease. If this book helps you to avoid what may be triggers in your body to developing an autoimmune disease, it will have been time well-spent reading. --Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP, Head, Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, CHAIMSHEBA MEDICAL CENTER, Tel-Aviv University"We are so thrilled to support Dr. O'Bryan's work, "The Autoimmune Fix," a book whose time has come. Medicine is evolving and there is a new paradigm for preventing and reversing autoimmune disease, one that is empowering and surprisingly simple to implement. So thankful for this step-by-step manual out in the world to make it easy for anyone to take control of their health."--James Maskell, Founder and CEO of Evolution of Medicine"Dr. O'Bryan's information is always cutting edge and he is a brilliant clinician and author. His new book, "The Autoimmune Fix," should be read by anyone suffering from autoimmunity. The information contained in the book can be life changing."--Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, FACN, CNS, Associate Clinical Professor Loma Linda University School of Medicine"Dr. Tom O'Bryan is a pioneer in the field of clinical autoimmunity. His explanations of extremely sophisticated mechanisms into everyday language helps all of us to understand the path out of autoimmunity and into health. He's been holding the line for patients who have been misdiagnosed and has helped countless people over the years. If you're not feeling right, there's a chance you may be suffering from this hidden cause.This book is a must read!--Pedram Shojai, OMD, Founder of Well.Org and "New York Times "bestselling author of "The Urban Monk" The Autoimmune Fix is a must read. As a doctor who focuses onautoimmune thyroid disease, this is the most comprehensive evidence-basedoverview on autoimmune disease that I am aware of. The Autoimmune Fix can be areference manual for health care practitioners as well as a road map to guidepatients back to the health they deserve. Dr. O'Bryan masterfully integratesdecades of clinical experience, research, and training other physicians. Highlyrecommended! --Alan Christianson, NMD "New York Times "bestselling author of "The Adrenal Reset Diet" The hero who has contributed so much to the field of non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease now shines a light on a mysterious epidemic that is still in the shadows for many: autoimmune disease. Dr. O Bryan very elegantly connects the dots between environmental triggers such as food and how they can affect the very immune system that s supposed to protect us. THE AUTOIMMUNE FIX doesn t pull any punches. It unflinchingly identifies the foods that put you at risk for future autoimmune disease, foods you might love, foods you might think nothing about eating daily, but it also gives you actual detailed recipes and protocols that will have you eating and living your way to health. Dr. O Bryan also talks about predictive autoimmunity, one of my favorite subjects. With autoimmunity, you have two choices: wait until millions are suffering from full-blown autoimmune disorders, then put them on a lifetime of immune suppressants and biologics as well as years of suffering. Or, you can use predictive antibodies to detect autoimmunity in the early stages of the disease, and then take steps to halt or even reverse the course of the incipient autoimmune disorder. THE AUTOIMMUNE FIX wisely tells us to take the latter, more pro-active choice, and to paraphrase what Dr. O Bryan says in his book, it s not the doctors you see, the drugs you take, or the surgeries and therapies you undergo; what will impact your health ultimately are the choices you make in your life, and getting this book is one of those choices. --Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS, CEO, Immunosciences Lab., Inc., and author of "Neuroimmunity and the Brain-Gut Connection"We are so thrilled to support Dr. O'Bryan's work, "The Autoimmune Fix," a book whose time has come. Medicine is evolving and there is a new paradigm for preventing and reversing autoimmune disease, one that is empowering and surprisingly simple to implement. So thankful for this step-by-step manual out in the world to make it easy for anyone to take control of their health."--James Maskell, Founder and CEO Evolution of Medicine Dr. O Bryan's understanding of the physiopathology of autoimmune disease is second to none. His ability to translate complex research findings into practical, applicable recommendations that can be individualized to suit each patient s case is admirable. Because of his ability to make complexity accessible, translational and applicable, I recommend every nutrition practitioner to read Dr. O Bryan s book. --Miguel Toribio-Mateas, MSC, BSC, NutMed, ABAAHP, FBANT, CNCH, Reg. Chairman of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy We allknow that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Well, when you readthis book and implement Tom s advice you will be stacking the weights in yourfavour, helping yourself enjoy a healthier, longer life. Why Because Dr. TomO Bryan has written a different kind of book here. He described how you canprevent auto-immunity from occurring in the first place. Fortune favours theprepared mind; now you have this book in your hand, don t let it go. --Antony Haynes, Nutritional Therapist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Author, Lecturer, Head of Technical Services, Nutri-Link, Ltd."Dr. Tom O'Bryan is one of the most important voices on autoimmunity in the wellness revolution. The information in this book can free millions who are locked in a quality of life that is less than they deserve. Brilliantly explained, backed by science, and a rock solid protocol to get your health back."--Christa Orecchio, CN, HHC bestselling author of "How to Conceive Naturally," Microbiome Expert Dr O Bryan, does not just get the zeitgeist of immune dysfuntion as a primary driver of major degenerative illness, he helps to define it! A great narrative underpinned with relevant research served up with practical solutions ingest this, then switch your eating habits to those recommended; they will both have a profound effecton your health and life. --Dr. Michael Ash, DO, ND, BSc, RNT, Managing Director & Head of Research and Development, Nutri-Link, Ltd. During the past two decades, no single person has contributed more to the understanding and importance
Tom O'Bryan , DC, CCN, DA CBN, is an internationally recognised speaker and writer on chronic disease and metabolic disorders. He travels the globe delivering more than 25 presentations annually. He organised the popular Gluten Summit in November 2013 and will lead a second one in May 2016. Dr. O' Bryan has more than 30 years of experience as a functional medicine practitioner and is an adjunct professor at the Institute for Functional Medicine. He lives in San Diego.