Intention Obsession: Rituals and Witchcraft for Every Season
By (Author) Erica Feldmann
HarperCollins Publishers Inc
2nd April 2025
13th March 2025
United States
Non Fiction
Magic, spells and alchemy
Assertiveness, motivation, self-esteem and positive mental attitude
Width 152mm, Height 203mm
Conjure an intention-filled life with this practical guidebook of magical rituals for every season of the zodiac, from Erica Feldmann, owner and founder of the Salem-based store, HausWitch.
Lets face it, we could all use a bit more magic in our lives. Even if youre not ready to commit to a black velvet cloak or join a coven (yet),IntentionObsessionis a book for all types of seekers, sharing practical magic and self-care rituals for any kind of lifestyle. Think of the magic in this book as an antidote to our world of relentless productivity, oppression, and estrangement.
As the owner of the popular HausWitch store in Witch City Salem, Massachusetts, Erica Feldmann knows firsthand that many people are curious about witchcraft, but dont quite know where to start. This book is her invitation into a new, enchanting realm, where you can learn to create exactly the life you want to live by working with intention.
Organized by the seasons of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, this guide will showcase the archetypal powers of each season and teach you how to create a ritual regimen you can honor all year long.Filled with fun spells and DIY projects, like:
This book will empower you to craft a life of intention; defy oppressive structures like capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy; and connect deeply with the energies of the universe. Just let each page awaken your intuition and empower you to manifest your most intentional life.
"Erica is the ruling Queen of Salem- she embodies the truth and power of the Craft. Intention Obsession is a seasoned primer for all Woman In Total Control of Herself (WITCH). As the tides change and feminism moves to the forefront of pop culture this is a must buy book!" Kelly Cutrone, Founder of People's Revolution and New York Times bestselling author "Erica Feldmann has been inspiring me to beautifully bewitch my day-to-day life for years now, and I've often wished we lived in the same city so I could consult with her on a regular basis. Intention Obsession is the next best thing. Whether helping us infuse our homes with magic year-round or encouraging us to engage in activism with joyful intention, Feldmann's book is a smart and friendly guide for spirited living. Readers will no doubt be charmed by her signature blend of sorcery, style, and soul." Pam Grossman, author of Waking the Witch and host of The Witch Wave podcast "Erica Feldmann's Intention Obsession is a captivating journey through the zodiac, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with modern practicality. I'm deeply inspired by how Feldmann brings a sense of creativity, uniqueness and intention to each season, offering readers a magical toolkit for self-care and personal growth. What truly resonates is her emphasis on remembering our inherent power and personal sovereignty as spiritual beings." Sarah Prout, bestselling author of Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations For Instant Manifestations
Erica Feldmann is the owner and founder of HausWitch, a company devoted to helping people heal their spaces and love their homes. Erica holds a Master's degree in Gender and Cultural Studies, with a research concentration in Witches. Her innate interest in the connection between home spaces and wellness led to the creation of HausWitch in 2012, and what started as a "micro budget + magic = makeover" interiors blog would eventually become a thriving brick and mortar shop and online community based in downtown Salem, MA. In 2019, Harper Collins published her first book HausMagick: Transform Your Home with Witchcraft, and she has been featured in Nylon, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery 29, Apartment Therapy, and more. A Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon and Scorpio Rising, Erica lives with her wife and two cats in the heart of Witch City.