The Spiritual Magic of Dolls
By (Author) Najah Lightfoot
Foreword by Judika Illes
Red Wheel/Weiser
Weiser Books
10th February 2026
United States
Non Fiction
Antiques, vintage and collectables: toys, games, dolls and models
Magic, spells and alchemy
Toys: making and decorating
Width 152mm, Height 203mm
Dolls have been beloved companions and instruments of magic for millennia. They are among the most ancient Egyptian and Roman artifacts. Not only playthings for children, they also provide lifelong comfort and companionship. In the twentiethand twenty-firstcenturies, dolls developed therapeutic uses, especially for traumatized children and people with dementia. But dolls also possess a long history as a tool of divination, witchcraft, and the occult. In The Spiritual Magic of Dolls, Najah Lightfoot bridges these two uses-companionship and magic-to enable readers to develop profound magical and spiritual relationships with their own dolls.
Many have beloved dolls displayed on shelves or sitting in boxes. What if you could do more with them Najah Lightfoot shows you how. Perhaps you still have favorite childhood dolls or have been gifted with a doll or inherited one from a relative or friend. Many people are extremely attached to one or more dolls-this book teaches you how to take that attachment to the next level.
Najah Lightfoot teaches how to develop a magical and spiritual relationship with your dolls. Najah writes, "This book is crafted, written for the magical practitioner or the person who has a love of dolls, who would like to learn how to bring them comfortably, lovingly into a working and familial relationship. The Spiritual Magic of Dolls seeks to connect readers to the love of dolls, especially dolls that may have had a hard life before they ended up coming into the lives of the reader. It is written for those who find themselves drawn to dolls and wish to be closer to them in magical, loving ways."
Najah Lightfoot is the multiaward-winning author of Powerful Juju andGood Juju. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals, as well as a contributor to Taschen: The Library of Esoterica, Volume III-Witchcraft. Najah's magickal staff is on display and part of the permanent collection of the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft. She is an in-demand speaker and presenter for conferences, events, and workshops. Najah lives in Denver, Colorado, where the blue skies and the power of the Rocky Mountains uplift and fill her soul. She can be found online