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Caminos Hacia La Paz Mental (Napoleon Hill's Pathways to Peace of Mind)

(Paperback, Not for Online)

Publishing Details

Full Title:

Caminos Hacia La Paz Mental (Napoleon Hill's Pathways to Peace of Mind)


By (Author) Napoleon Hill




Sound Wisdom


Sound Wisdom

Publication Date:

18th April 2023


Not for Online


United States





Non Fiction

Other Subjects:

Management: leadership and motivation



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 152mm, Height 229mm




De la Fundacin Napolen Hill llega una coleccin de escritos nunca antes publicados de Napolen Hill, autor de Piense y hgase rico y Ms astuto que el diablo, acerca de cmo obtener la mayor de todas las riquezas disponibles para los seres humanos: la paz mental.
Aunque Hill es famoso por sus enseanzas acerca de la creacin de riqueza financiera, en ltima instancia crea que el mayor xito en la vida no es el monetario y que la verdadera riqueza proviene de la paz mental que se obtiene al ayudar a los dems. Los escritos contenidos en este libro le guiarn hacia este valioso tesoro para que pueda disfrutar de:

  • Dominio sobre todas las formas de preocupacin
  • Libertad del temor y la inseguridad personal
  • Control sobre sus pensamientos
  • La capacidad de cerrar la puerta a las penas del pasado
  • El poder mgico de creer
  • Y mucho ms.
No hay mayor libertad que la que otorga la paz mental. Trace su propio camino hacia una mentalidad serena con la ayuda de Caminos hacia la paz mental de Napolen Hill.

From the Napoleon Hill Foundation comes a collection of never-before-published writings from Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil, on obtaining the greatest of all the riches available to human beingspeace of mind.

Although Napoleon is famous for his insight on building financial wealth, he ultimately believed that the greatest success in life was not monetary and that true riches came from the peace of mind one achieves by helping others. The writings contained in this book will guide you toward this priceless asset so you can enjoy:
  • Mastery over all forms of worry
  • Freedom from fear and self-doubt
  • Control over ones thoughts
  • The ability to close the door on the sorrows of the past
  • The magic power of belief
  • And much more!
Included is a manuscript that was discovered by J. B. Hill, Napoleons grandson and a trustee of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, that had been given to his father in the 1950s. Titled How to Get Peace of Mind, it was intended to be released as a series of newspaper columns but for reasons unknown was never published. It is presented here for the first time, along with a previously unpublished excerpt from an unfinished autobiographical work by Napoleon written in 1947 and several editorial essays written by Napoleon and published in 1919 and 1920 in his magazine, Hills Golden Rule. All explore the subject of attaining peace of mind. The final chapter in the book features a previously unpublished transcript of a 1948 radio program in which Napoleon disclosed what single ability is essential to achieving success and happiness.

There is no greater freedom than that which peace of mind brings. Chart your own course to a serene mindset with help from Napoleon Hills Pathways to Peace of Mind.

Author Bio

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age 13 as a mountain reporter for small town newspapers and went on to become Americas most beloved motivational author. Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. Dr. Hills work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all-time bestseller in the field. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement.

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