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Poder De La Ambicin (The Power of Ambition): Despierta La Fuerza Poderosa Dentro De Ti

(Paperback, Not for Online)

Publishing Details

Full Title:

Poder De La Ambicin (The Power of Ambition): Despierta La Fuerza Poderosa Dentro De Ti


By (Author) Jim Rohn




Sound Wisdom


Sound Wisdom

Publication Date:

18th October 2022


Not for Online


United States





Non Fiction

Other Subjects:

Management: leadership and motivation



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 152mm, Height 229mm





De la principal autoridad de Amrica en cuanto al xito, llega un libro que te ayudar a redefinir tu ambicin para que puedas usar tu impulso para servir a los dems mientras creas la vida plena que deseas.

En El poder de la ambicin, Jim Rohn desmiente los mitos y conceptos errneos acerca de la ambicin que causan que esta impida, en lugar de estimular, el logro personal. La verdadera ambicin no es egocntrica. Todo lo contrario: nos faculta para mejorar nuestras vidas y las de quienes nos rodean. Rohn detalla seis estrategias revolucionarias para cultivar la ambicin legtima y aprovecharla para transformar lo que ocurre dentro y alrededor de ti.

La motivacin puede venir de cualquier parte, pero la ambicin solo se extrae del interior. Accede a tu impulso interior para lograr todas las cosas por las que has estado trabajando.

La ambicin es tanto una mentalidad como un estilo de vida. Como la define Rohn: La verdadera ambicin es un deseo disciplinado y entusiasta. El poder de la ambicin te ayudar a vivir con intencin cada momento para que puedas disfrutar del cambio que visualizas para tu vida. Aprenders:

  • Cmo armar el marco para una vida ambiciosa
  • Cmo aprovechar el poder de la creatividad para mantenerte enfocado en tus objetivos
  • Los cinco criterios para desarrollar la persistencia
  • Las siete cualidades que promueven la resiliencia
  • Las claves para establecer una red de contactos efectiva
  • Y mucho ms!
La ambicin es la forma ms autntica de autoexpresin. Comienza a aprovechar su poder hoy mismo para que puedas vivir con pasin y propsito.

From Americas leading authority on success comes a book that will help you redefine ambition so that you can use your drive to serve others while creating the fulfilling life you desire.

In The Power of Ambition, Jim Rohn debunks the myths and misconceptions about ambition that cause it to hinder, rather than fuel, personal achievement. Genuine ambition is not a self-serving impulse. Quite the oppositeit empowers us to better our lives and the lives of those around us. Rohn details six revolutionary strategies for cultivating legitimate ambition and harnessing it to transform what is going on within and around you.

Motivation can come from anywhere, but ambition is only drawn from within. Access your inner drive to achieve all the things youve been working for. Jim Rohn

Ambition is as much a mindset as it is a lifestyle. As Rohn defines it: True ambition is disciplined, eager desire. The Power of Ambition will help you live with intention every moment so that you can enjoy the change you envision for your life. Youll learn:
  • How to build the framework for an ambitious life
  • How to leverage the power of creativity to stay focused on your goals
  • The five criteria for developing persistence
  • The seven qualities that promote resilience
  • The keys to effective networking
  • And more!
Ambition is the most authentic form of self-expressionbegin channeling its power today so that you can live with passion and purpose.

Author Bio

For more than 40 years, Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist--helping people the world over sculpt life strategies that have expanded their imagination of what is possible. Those who had the privilege of hearing him speak can attest to the elegance and common sense of his material. It is no coincidence, then, that he is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, and thought of by many as a national treasure. Jim authored countless books and audio and video programs, and helped motivate and shape an entire generation of personal-development trainers, hundreds of executives from America's top corporations and millions of achievers worldwide. To learn more about the life and legacy visit www.jimrohn.com.

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