SuperAging Workbook
By (Author) David Cravit
By (author) Larry Wolf
Girl Friday Productions
Girl Friday Productions
24th September 2025
United States
Non Fiction
Coping with / advice about ageing
Health, Relationships and Personal development
Psychology of ageing
Width 203mm, Height 254mm, Spine 11mm
Get older without getting old-and make SuperAging a part of your life with this hands-on, easy-to-follow workbook.
In their groundbreaking book, SuperAging, David Cravit and Larry Wolf challenged everything you thought you knew about aging. In seven simple concepts-Attitude, Awareness, Activity, Accomplishment, Autonomy, Attachment, and Avoidance-Cravit and Wolf gave readers everywhere a path to a better, stronger future. Filled with prompts, activities, and challenges, this engaging and actionable workbook allows readers to create and follow their own personal approach to SuperAging, one step at a time.
David Cravit has an established profile and track record in reporting on aging and related issues. He is the author of two previous books: The New Old, which discusses how the Baby Boomers reinvented aging, and Beyond Age Rage, which examines the so-called war of the generations. He is a vice president at ZoomerMedia, the only media company in Canada specializing in the "older" market, and also chief membership officer and chief marketing officer of CARP (Canada's equivalent to AARP). He appears frequently on radio and television as a respected commentator on the new trends and developments driving the emergence of SuperAging. Larry Wolf's expertise is in identifying important trends and creating opportunities to capitalize on them. He has advised a number of Fortune 500 companies and governments on their branding and communications strategies. Larry founded and developed the Wolf Group from a two-person consultancy into a sizable international advertising agency with offices in seven cities in the United States and Canada. His company helped successfully create and launch many new brands. Most recently, Larry identified a number of trends precipitated by increasing longevity and made use of an unrealized opportunity to unify and brand the key elements that contribute to successful aging.