Geography Matters in Ancient Rome (Geography Matters in Ancient Civilizations)
By (Author) Melanie Waldron
Capstone Press
Capstone Press
1st January 2015
United States
Non Fiction
Why did Roman towns have bathhouses Why was Rome at great risk from fires What happened to the town of Pompeii in AD 79 Geography Matters in Ancient Rome looks at how the Roman Empire changed through time and gives fascinating insights into many different aspects of Roman life through its geography. Read about how the Romans invented new farming methods such as a harvesting machine called a vallus, how some women in the Roman Empire had more freedom than in other civilizations, even running their husbands' businesses for them when they were away, and how the Empire was strengthened by the fact that the different climates, soils and terrain produced a huge range of goods and resources.
The strategy which encourages students to look at how geography impacts a culture is well-served in this series. All books have clearly defined chapter subjects and highlighted subtitles, making it easy for students to find particular aspects.-- "School Library Connection"
There are countless extant titles about ancient societies, but this series offers a fresh perspective that will help young readers better understand the importance of geographical factors in their histories, making it a strong addition to middle school libraries.-- "School Library Journal"
Melanie Waldron worked in children's publishing for many years before becoming a full-time author. She has written many non-fiction books for young people and specializes in science and geography topics.