Celts in Legend and Reality: Papers from the Sixth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies
By (Author) Pamela O'Neill
Sydney University Press
Sydney University Press
1st January 2010
Non Fiction
Width 148mm, Height 210mm
Preface by Pamela ONeill
Celts in the Material Record
The image of a Celtic society: medieval West Highland sculpture by David H Caldwell, Fiona M McGibbon, Suzanne Miller and Nigel A Ruckley
Just what did a nemeton look like anyway By Kristen Erskine
Celts, Romans and Germans in the Rhineland by Michael Nelson
The ancient Celts: classical perceptions and modern definitions by David Sheehan
Celts in the Gobi desert: a linguistico-archaeological mess by Aedeen Cremin
Celts in History
Gendering the foundation myths of Scotland in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by Michelle Smith
Edmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecrafts Irish education by Mary Spongberg
Eamhain Mhacha in this world and in the otherworld by Penny Pollard
Myth and legend in the landscape of the Rhondda Valley, south Wales, as a source of cultural identity by Graham Aubrey
And anyway she was always going about with the Mother of God: the Brigid and Mary stories in Gaelic culture by Mary OConnell
Celts in Law
The idea of continuation and extinguishment of Welsh customary land law in the face of Norman-English conquest and legal regime change by Michael Stuckey
The Welsh laws of women by Gwenyth Richards
The Scottish Highlands and the conscience of the nation, 1886 to 2003 by Ewen A Cameron
Celts in Literature
Irish myths: fantastic nonsense or a real record of astronomical catastrophes by Patrick McCafferty
Imperial Roman elements in the architecture of the city in Saltair na Rann by Tessa Morrison
Fiction, feminism and the Celtic Church: the Sister Fidelma novels of Peter Tremayne by Carole Cusack
Morgan le Fay: Celtic origins and literary images by Dominique Beth Wilson
Wicca in Eileanan and the problems of history by Lauren Bernauer
Celts in the Diaspora
Irish and Scottish child migrants at Pinjarra: maintaining a Celtic identity by Paula-Lee M Magee
The Irish language in Australia: survey of a community language by Dymphna Lonergan
A class equal to any for making prosperous colonists...: Ulster Protestant migrants in the Antipodes by Brad Patterson
Migrant fairies: an anthropological investigation of contemporary Celtic identity in the Australian setting as endorsed by mythical symbolism by Jeffrey Parker
Competing Celticities: Cornish and Irish constructions of Australia by Philip Payton