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Minnesota Marvels: Roadside Attractions in the Land of Lakes


Publishing Details

Full Title:

Minnesota Marvels: Roadside Attractions in the Land of Lakes


By (Author) Eric Dregni




University of Minnesota Press


University of Minnesota Press

Publication Date:

1st September 2001


United States





Non Fiction

Other Subjects:

Local history
Reference works



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 149mm, Height 229mm, Spine 18mm


Only in Minnesota can you snap a Polaroid of a fifty-five-foot-tall grinning green man with a size seventy-eight shoe or marvel at the spunk of a Swede who dedicated his life to spinning a gigantic ball of twine. The worlds largest hockey stick, as well as the biggest pelican, prairie chicken, turkey, fish, otter, fox, and loon also make Minnesota their home. Where else can you ponder the mysterious "miracle meat" of Spam in a museum dedicated to pork products or have your head examined by the phrenology machines at the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices

Minnesota Marvels is a tour of the inspired, bizarre, brilliant, scandalous, and funny sites around the state. Look up in wonder at the several Paul Bunyan statues, including the original (Bemidji), the tallest (Akeley), and the largest talking version (Brainerd). Ease on down the road to visit the first home of the heel-tapping native of Grand Rapids, Judy Garland, or walk the "main street" of Sauk Centre immortalized by native son Sinclair Lewis. See the birthplaces of Charles Lindbergh, the Mayo brothers, the Greyhound bus, the snowmobile, and the ice-cream sandwich.

Minnesota is also the home of such attractions as the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and the worlds largest aerial lift bridge in Duluth, and architectural wonders such as Frank Lloyd Wrights modernist gas station in Cloquet and Frank Gehrys arresting Weisman Art Museum. Stunning mansions with histories of ghost sightings, the hangouts and lairs of infamous gangsters, and old-fashioned breweries dot the state.

Conveniently organized by town name and illustrated throughout, Minnesota Marvels is the perfect light-hearted guide for entertaining road trips all over the state.

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