JLPT Study Guide: The Comprehensive Guide to the JLPT Level N5 Exam (Free MP3 audio recordings and printable extras)
By (Author) Clayton MacKnight
Tuttle Publishing
Tuttle Publishing
15th October 2019
23rd October 2019
United States
Non Fiction
Writing systems, alphabets
Width 152mm, Height 229mm
Clayton MacKnight has distilled his self-created study resources and tips into one must-have volume for anyone preparing for this crucial exam.
MacKnight's complete study package thoroughly prepares exam-takers by providing:
"Learning a second language can open up the world in many ways Japanese can be difficult, but it is also mostly phonetic, which is a definite plus, and when you set yourself a measurable goal, you have something to work towards, which is where the JLPT Study Guide comes into play." -- Castle View Academy blog
Clayton MacKnight has been living and working in Japan for over 15 years. He has been teaching English and for the last seven years has been blogging and creating JLPT resources which he posts at JLPTBootCamp.com. He has helped many thousands of students pass the JLPT in a shorter time and with a lot less effort than it would otherwise require.