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Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For


Publishing Details

Full Title:

Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For


By (Author) George Weld
By (author) Evan Hanczor
Narrator Matt Lee
Foreword by Ted Lee
Photographs by Bryan Gardner




Rizzoli International Publications


Rizzoli International Publications

Publication Date:

31st March 2015


United States





Non Fiction



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 203mm, Height 255mm, Spine 25mm




Breakfastbrings beauty and enthusiasm to the morning meal. George Weld draws on his passion, Southern roots, and runner's discipline to create the fresh, satisfying, and straightforward dishes his Williamsburg, Brooklyn restaurant has been serving for ten years.Breakfastbegins with simple techniques that can transform familiar ingredients into transcendent meals. Following are recipes for eggs (including the restaurant's signature Eggs Rothko), grains, meats, produce, sauces and syrups, juices, and pastries. Among the beloved recipes from Egg's kitchen are breakfast dishes that Weld has adapted for meals at any hour, such as salads with eggs and smoked fish, fried chicken and biscuits, and eggs on toast with greens. Running through the book are contributions from farmers, fishermen, and runners on their morning routines, as well as a pantry section laying out all the ingredients to have on hand for simple, delicious morning meals. Accompanied by images shot at the restaurant and Weld's own farm (from which Egg is supplied with many ingredients), this book will make breakfast the meal you dream about at night, and the most anticipated part of your morning.


"These days, George Weld and Evan Hanczor, the farmer/restaurateur and chef behind Willamsburgs Egg eatery, are serving up more than just scrumptious concoctions like Eggs Rothko or Grafton cheddar omelets with broiled tomatoes. Authors of the newly released Breakfast, they are now offering menus and ideas. The book, they say, 'is our best argument for waking up and making something delicious for breakfast.' And what better way to start the day than at Egg, or with one" -Vogue

"Evan Hanczor landed in New York with many passions but no plan. . . . Five years later, Hanczor has found success precisely by merging his work as a chef with his interests in writing and policy."- Huffington Post

"George Weld opened Egg in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 10 years ago, and since then its become another sort of Sunday-morning place of worship, if you feel the same longing for waffles as, say, Leslie Knope does. And have you heard the good news Now you can remain in your pajamas and have the Egg experience at home, because its cookbook, Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For, is coming out next week. Trust me, after this Bloody, youll definitely feel risen." -VanityFair.com

"Over the weekend, George Weld and Evan Hanczor, the duo behind WilliamsburgsEgg restaurant, did what they do best: share the art of breakfast with perfect strangers in Brooklyn. They set up a very Southernhash barat Smorgasburg flea market, and showcased recipes from their week-old cookbook, Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For(Rizzoli), at the annualFood Book Fair." -New York Times Magazine

"We know what you're thinking: Is it really that hard to scramble an egg But once you've had a taste of the scrambled eggs from Egg Restaurant in Brooklyn, you know: There are scrambled eggs, and then there are life-changing scrambled eggs. The latter is a piece of custardy heavenand without the addition of any milk or heavy cream. So we got Evan Hanczor, one of the chefs at the restaurant and coauthor of the just-released cookbook Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For, to share his secret technique." -Women's Health Magazine

Owner George Weld and Chef Evan Hanczor of Williamsburg's Egg (109 N. 3rd St.) -- notorious for weekend lines and their ridiculously yummy Southern dishes -- debuted Breakfast: Recipes to Wake up Forthis week, with 200 pages of reasons for New Yorkers to slow down and enjoy their morning meal." -AM New York

"Like Egg, Breakfast doesn't attempt to shock or surprise. The focus is on combining smart techniques with simple ingredients to create the kind of morning meals that will make you actually want to get out of bed." -TastingTable.com

"Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For includes the restaurant's morning standbys like Eggs Rothko, a twist on an egg-in-toast that includes an insulation of melted cheddar, along with lesser-known hits (perfect fried chicken, for example) and sage advice like, 'If you learn to cook eggs properly, you will be a better human being.' It's a simple, beautiful book that embodies everything great about this quirky little restaurant that's improbably navigated Williamsburg's transformation from affordable artist refuge to major tourist destination." -Food & Wine

"Brooklyn chef George Weld knows breakfast. Not only did he open a restaurant ten years ago devoted to the most important meal of the day, he has just released a cookbook on the subject. Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For is not the hipster brunch manual you might expect from a guy who owns a Williamsburg restaurant called Egg, though." -Epicurious.com

"Judging by the popularity of George Welds Brooklyn breakfast joint, Egg, Im not the only [hungry] morning person around. In the books foreword ('In Defense of Morning'), Weld lists many of the oppositions people pose to eating more than cold cereal in the morning and then shoots them full of holes. The ensuing recipes shore up his argument in the most delicious way." -Cookbook365.com

"Waned in Virginia and the Carolinas, and a PHD in Literature, no wonder [co-author] Georges Southern affect on Williamsburgs morning drawl, eventually lead to a cookbook, Breakfast: Recipe To Wake Up For.-Heritage Radio Network

Author Bio

George Weldwas born in Marblehead MA and grew up in Massachusetts, Virginia, and North Carolina, and Illinois. He holds an MFA from Warren Wilson. In 2005, Weld opened Egg in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Weld operates Goatfell Farm in New York's Hudson Valley, which provides the restaurant's fruits, vegetables, and eggs. Weld is a contributor toEdibleand is on the board of the Food Book Fair.

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