The Birdwatcher's Pocket Companion (The Companion Series)
By (Author) Malcolm Tait
HarperCollins Publishers
8th May 2008
United Kingdom
Non Fiction
Trivia and quiz questions
Width 116mm, Height 166mm, Spine 17mm
This attractive, handy pocket book will appeal to all twitchers, birders, ornithologists and garden-tickers. There are many species of birdwatcher, and theyre all catered for by this unique book.
From the serious (why vultures are dying out in Asia) to the bizarre (the parrot that can read minds); the informative (why waxwings have waxy wings) to the completely ridiculous (the avian footballing XI, starring Bobby Moorhen and Jimmy Grebes), 'The Birdwatchers Pocket Companion' takes the reader through a veritable aviary of notes, quotes, facts and stats.
But this book doesnt just contain fascinating snippets of information, it also offers extracts from the finest writing about birds over the centuries. Gilbert White shares space with Chaucer, while Flora Thompson nestles up to DH Lawrence.
The market for this book is huge: Britons are birdwatching like never before. The RSPB alone has over one million members, while sales of garden bird food topped the 100 million mark last year. Of the three leading newsstand wildlife magazines, two are about birds, and the ratings for Bill Oddies recent garden wildlife show, with its particular focus on birds, topped those of many soap operas.
Malcolm Tait is the editor of the 'Companion' series, and of 'Wildlife Walks'. He is editor of the magazines 'Conserver' and 'Butterfly' and contributes regular wildlife columns to national magazines.