Bicycle Diaries
By (Author) David Byrne
Faber & Faber
Faber & Faber
31st August 2021
6th May 2021
United Kingdom
Non Fiction
Cycling: general and touring
Travel tips and advice: general
Width 129mm, Height 198mm, Spine 19mm
'Byrne comes across like a post-punk Michael Palin.' - TheTimes
'An engaging book; part-diary, part-manifesto.' - Observer
David Byrne, co-founder of the group Talking Heads, has been riding a bicycleas his principal means of transportation since the 1980's. When he tours,Byrne travels with a folding bicycle, bringing it to cities like London, Berlin,Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Manila, New York, Detroit and San Francisco. Theview from his bike seat has given Byrne a panoramic window on urban life allover the world.
An enchanting celebration of bike riding and of the rewards of seeing theworld at bike level, this book gives the reader an incredible insight into whatByrne is seeing and thinking as he pedals around these cities.
David Byrne was born in Dumbarton, Scotland, in 1952. Heis primarily known as the musician who co-founded thegroup Talking Heads (1976-88), and has also been involvedin an array of music, theatre, art and film projects - includingwork with Brian Eno, Thwyla Tharp, Robert Wilson,Jonathan Demme and Bernardo Bertolucci - as well as StopMaking Sense (1984) and the theatre piece about ImeldaMarcos, Here Lies Love, presented at the National Theatre.He has received Grammy, Oscar and Golden Globe awardsand has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.He currently lives in New York.