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Found 22 itemsTitleAuthorAvailability
Secretive Slime Moulds: Myxomycetes of Australia
By Steven L. Stephenson
Flora of Iraq Volume 5 Part 2: Lythraceae to Campanulaceae
By Shahina A. Ghazanfar
Flora Zambesiaca Volume 3, Part 4: Indigofereae
By Jonathan Timberlake
Flora Zambesiaca Volume 7 Part 2: Apocynaceae: Volume 7
By Miguel A. Garcia
Genus Celosia (Subgenus Celosia) in Tropical Africa, The
By C. C. Townsend
Noteworthy Euphorbiaceae from Tropical Asia (Burma to New Guinea)
By H. K. Airy Shaw
Orchids of Java
By J. B. Comber
Orchids of Samoa
By Philip Cribb
Plants of Bali Ngemba Forest Reserve, Cameroon, The: a conservation checklist
By Yvette Yvette Harvey
Plants of Mefou Proposed National Park, Yaounde, Cameroon, The: A Conservation Checklist
By Martin Cheek
Plants of Mount Cameroon, The: a conservation checklist
By S. Cable
Plants of Mount Kupe, Mwanenguba and the Bakossi Mountains, Cameroon, The: a conservation checklist
Proceedings of the International Compositae Confence, Kew, 1994: Volume 1 Compositae: Systematics; Volume 2 Compositae: Biology & Utilisation
By P. D. S. Caligari
Red Data Book of the Flowering Plants of Cameroon: IUCN Global Assessments
By Jean-Michel Onana
Review of Eriope and Eriopidion (Labiatae)
By R. M. Harley
Trees of New Guinea
By Timothy M. A. Utteridge
Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts
By Patrick Mccarthy
Flora of Iraq Volume 6: Compositae
Tiny Taxonomy: Individual Plants in Landscape Architecture
(Hardback, English)
By Rosetta S. Elkin
New Zealand Inventory of Biodiverisity: Volumes 1-3
By Gordon Dennis P
Revision of the Genus Hyparrhenia, A
By W. D. Clayton
Useful Plants Western Tropical Africa Set, The
By H. M. Burkill
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